энэ ene = 'this'
хорвоо khorvoo = 'world'. Xорвоод khorvood is locative/dative = 'in the world'
тоо томшгүй too tomshgüi = 'innumerable'
олон olon = 'many'
мангас mangas = 'monster'
байх baikh = 'to be'. Байдаг baidag indicates habitual action or general truth.
Басилиск basilisk = 'Basilisk (transliteration)'
шиг shig = 'like, similar to'
аймшигтай aimshigtai = 'terrible, horrible'
нь n': particle here meaning 'one'. (There is not a terrible one like the Basilisk).
үгүй ügui = 'is not, are not'

түүнийг tüüniig: accusative form of тэр ter, equivalent to 'him, her, it'. Түнийг is the object of the verb гэх gekh 'to say, speak'.
могой mogoi = 'snake'. могойнууд mogoinuud is the plural, 'snakes'. Могойнуудын mogoinuudin is genitive 'of the snakes'.
хаан khaan = 'khan, emperor'
гэх gekh = 'say, speak'. Гэдэг gedeg indicates habitual action or general truth. Гэдгээр gedgeer is the instrumental case form of the verbal noun, with a meaning something like 'as being called'.
мэдэх medekh = 'know'. Мэднэ medne is future tense but here indicates a general statement.

маш mash = 'very'
том tom = 'big'
бие bii = 'body'. биетэй biitei 'having a body'.
болох bolokh = 'become'. Болон bolon is a linking form, linking with the following verb.
өсөх ösökh = 'to grow'. Өсдөг ösdög indicates habitual action or general truth. Болон өсдөг bolon ösdög means 'grow to become (having a large body)'.
зуу zuu = 'hundred'. зуун zuun links to the following word.
жил jil = 'year'
наслах naslakh = 'live for a long time'. Насладаг nasladag indicates habitual action or general truth.
тахиа takhia = 'fowl, chicken'. Тахианы takhiani is genitive ('of a fowl, chicken').
өндөг öndög = 'egg'. өндөгнөөс öndögnöös is ablative 'from the egg'.
төрөх törökh = 'be born'. Төрөөд törööd is a form used when the sentence is continued ('born and...').
бах мэлхий bakh melkhii = 'toad'. Бах мэлхийгээр bakh melkhiigeer is instrumental ('by a toad').
баруулах baruulakh = 'cause to finish'. Баруулж baruulj is a linking form that combines with the following verb.
амилах amilakh = 'be born'. Амилдаг amildag indicates habitual action or general truth.

хүн khün = 'person'
амьтан am'tan = 'animal'. Амьтниг am'tnig is accusative, making 'people and animals' (taken together) the object of the following verb алах.
алах alakh = 'kill'.
арга arag = 'method'
өвөрмөц övörmöts = 'distinctive, special, unique'

хор khor = 'poison, harm'. Хортой khortoi is 'having poison, venomous'
хоёр khoyor = 'two'
соёо soyoo = 'fang, tusk'. соёоноос soyoonoos ablative '(apart) from the fang'
гадна gadna = 'besides'
түүний tüünii: genitive form of тэр ter, equivalent to 'his, her, its'.
харц kharts = 'look, glance'
үхэх ükhekh = 'die'. үхүүлэх ükhüülekh = 'cause to die, kill'
хүч khuch = 'power'. хүчтэй khuchtei 'having the power'.
бөгөөд bögööd = 'and' (connects two sentences)
нүд nüd = 'eye'. нүднийх nüdniikh is genitive + х, meaning 'of its eyes'
харцанд khartsand = dative/locative of 'look, glance'. This form is required by the following verb.
өртөх örtökh = 'encounter'
хором khorom = 'one hundred-thousandth of a second, instant'. Хормын khormin is genitive, meaning 'instant'.
төдий tödii = 'just'. Хормын төдийд khormin tödiid means 'very quickly'.

аалз aalz = 'spider'. аалзнууд aalznuud is the plural 'spiders'.
заналт zanalt = 'hateful, hated (enemy)'
байсан baisan: past tense of байх baikh 'to be'. Links to following word.
тул tul = 'because'
тэд ted = 'they'
түүнээс tüünees: ablative form of тэр ter, meaning 'from him'.
зугтдах zugtakh = 'escape, flee'
харин kharin = 'but'
өөрөө ööröö = 'itself'
донгодох dongodokh = 'call' (used of birds and insects)
дуу duu = 'sound'. Дуунаас duunaas is ablative case, required by the verb айх (following).
л l = 'only'.
айх aikh = 'fear'. Айдаг aidag indicates habitual action or general truth.

түүнд tüünd: dative/locative form тэр ter, meaning 'to him'. Makes тэр (the Basilisk) the target of the following expression, хор учруулах khor uchruulakh 'cause harm to'.
учруулах uchruulakh = 'cause, bring about'
чадах chadakh = 'be able to'
цор tsor = 'only'
ганц gants = 'only, sole'. Цорын ганц tsorin gants together means 'only, sole'.
зүйл züil = 'kind, species, sort, category'
юм yum = particle of confirmation or assertion. Note the information structure of the final sentence, which is reversed for emphasis: [The sole thing that can cause harm to it] is [this] (энэ ene), with the meaning 'This is the only thing that can cause harm to it'.