For Japanese I've added regular Digestion Breaks. This is because Japanese word order is quite different -- almost the opposite -- of English. Once grasped this is not particularly difficult, but a single-word gloss often makes no sense without a wider context, hence the explanations. To be skipped if you already know some Japanese.

我ら warera = 'we'
ga = old-fashioned possessive particle.
世界を sekai o = 'world' + object particle
徘徊する haikai suru = 'to roam'

1. 我らが世界 warera ga sekai is a fancy way of saying 'our world'.
2. を o is used for movement in a place, e.g. 空を飛ぶ sora o tobu 'fly in the sky' or 道を歩く michi o aruku 'walk along the street'. Here it is used in 我らが世界を徘徊する 'wander our world'
3. This entire clause then modifies the following noun phrase. This construction is equivalent to an English relative clause (i.e., ...'that wander our world')

多くの ōku no = 'many'
怪獣 kaijū = 'strange beast'
怪物の kaibutsu no = 'monster' + connecting particle
中でも naka de mo = 'even amidst'

Digestion: 中でも naka de mo simply means 'even in' or 'even amidst'. The meaning is 'even among the many strange beasts and monsters', preparing us for something even worse.

最も mottomo = 'most'.
珍しく mezurashiku = linking form of 珍しい mezurashii 'rare, unusual' -- the function here is equivalent to 'and' in English.
最も mottomo = 'most'
破壊的 hakaiteki = 'destructive'
である de aru = 'to be, is'
という to iu 'to be called, saying'
点で ten de = 'point' + 'in' = 'in the point (of), in terms (of)'

Digestion: という to iu is ubiquitous in Japanese. 最も珍しく最も破壊的である点で (minus という) would be acceptable, but という adds the nuance that this is setting forth the content of the 点 ('point').

バジリスクの Bajirisuku no = 'Basilisk + connecting particle'
右に migi ni = 'to the right'
出る deru = 'to come out, appear'
ものは mono wa = 'thing' + topic particle
ない nai = 'there is no'

Digestion: In Japanese writing, which traditionally runs up and down the page, the far right is actually the top of the page. Since nothing appears to the right of the Basilisk, it thus appears at the top of the list.

毒蛇の doku-hebi no = 'poisonous snake' + connecting particle
ō = 'king'
とも to mo = 'quotation + also' (と to literally 'quotes' the previous word or phrase, putting it in figurative quotation marks)
呼ばれる yobareru = passive of 呼ぶ yobu 'to call'

Digestion: This clause modifies the following この蛇 ('this snake, which is also called the king of poisonous snakes').

この kono = 'this'
蛇は hebi wa = 'snake (topic)'
巨大に kyodai ni = 'huge' + に ni. に makes 巨大 kyodai adverbial in nature so as to link to the following 成長する seichō suru
成長する seichō suru = 'to grow'
ことが koto ga = 'thing, matter' + subject particle
あり ari = sentence-linking form of ある aru 'to exist, there is'. あり ari suspends the sentence for a moment before it continues below.

1. 巨大に成長する kyodai ni seichō suru means 'to grow huge'.
2. 成長することがあり seichō suru koto ga ari, literally meaning 'the matter exists that it grows', i.e., 'it can grow'. 成長する 'grow' modifies こと 'fact, matter'
3. あり ari completes the clause but does not finish the sentence, which continues below. It is roughly equivalent to using 'and' in English.

何...も = 'many'
百年 hyakunen = 'hundred years'
生き長らえる iki-nagaraeru = 'to live long' (生きる ikiru 'to live' + 長らえる nagaraeru suffix meaning 'endure')
ことが koto ga = 'thing, matter' + subject particle
ある aru = 'to exist, there is'

Digestion: 生き長らえることがある, literally meaning 'the matter exists that it lives', i.e., 'it can live'. The whole sentence is concluded with the final form of the verb ある aru.

鶏の niwatori no = 'fowl, chicken' + possessive particle
卵から tamago kara = 'egg' + particle meaning 'from'
生まれ umare, the sentence-linking form of 生まれる umareru= 'to be born', passive of 生む umu 'to bear'. 生まれ umare suspends the sentence for a moment before it continues below.
ヒキガエルの hikigaeru no = 'toad' + connecting particle = 'the toad's'
腹の hara no = 'belly' + possessive or connecting particle
下で shita de = 'under' + location particle = 'under'
孵化される fuka sareru = 'to be hatched', passive form of 孵化する fuka suru 'to hatch'. 孵化される fuka sareru completes the sentence.

生まれ umare is the 'linking form' of the verb. It completes the clause but does not conclude the sentence, allowing it to continue. It is roughly equivalent to using an 'and' in English. The sentence is concluded with 孵化される fuka sareru.

殺しの koroshi no = 'killing' + connecting particle
方法は hōhō wa = 'method' (topic)
非常に hijō ni = 'extremely, very' (に ni makes this an adverbial, linking to the following word)
珍しく mezurashiku = linking form of 珍しい mezurashiku 'to be rare, unusual'.

Digestion: 珍しく mezurashiku completes the clause without completing the sentence.

毒牙による doku-ga ni yoru = 'venomous fang' + 'based on', i.e., 'through venomous fangs'
殺傷とは sasshō to wa = 'killing and wounding' + from + contrastive use of topical particle.
別に betsu ni = 'apart'

1. 別 betsu requires と to, just as, for instance, English 'different' requires 'from, than, to'.
2. は wa sets off 'killing by poisonous fangs' in contrast to what comes later. The total meaning is 'Apart from killing by venomous fangs...'

バジリスクの Bajirisuku no = 'Basilisk' + connecting particle
一にらみは hito-nirami wa = 'one glance' (topic)
致命的 chimei-teki = 'fatal'
である de aru = 'to be, is'

その sono = 'that, its'
眼から me kara = 'eyes' + particle meaning 'from'
no = connecting particle
光線に kōsen ni = 'beam of light' + に ni, here meaning 'by'
捕われた torawareta = past of 捕われる torawareru 'to be captured', passive in meaning.
者は mono wa = 'person' (topic) -- formal, legalistic, or humble word
即死する sokushi suru = 'to die instantly'

1. 眼からの光線 me kara no kōsen - Japanese requires の no to be inserted here.
2. 捕われた者 torawareta mono means 'person who has been caught'.
3. 捕われた torawareta is in the past tense because the meaning is someone who has already been caught in the beam of the eyes, i.e., a completed action.

蜘蛛が kumo ga = 'spider' + subject particle
逃げ出す nige-dasu = 'to escape, flee'
のは no wa; の no makes the preceding clause into a noun ('the escaping of the spiders'), plus topic particle は wa
バジリスクが Bajirisuku ga = 'Basilisk' + subject particle
来る kuru = 'to come'
前触れ mae-bure = 'harbinger, sign'
である de aru = 'to be, is'

Digestion: The structure is a simple ..は...である ...wa aru (... is...). The escaping of the spiders is a harbinger of the Basilisk coming.

なぜなら naze nara = 'if why' = 'the reason is'
バジリスクは Bajirisuku wa = 'Basilisk' (topic)
蜘蛛の kumo no = 'spider' + connecting particle
宿命の shukumei no = 'fatal'
天敵 tenteki = 'natural enemy'
だから da kara = 'because'
である de aru 'to be, is'

なぜなら...だからである naze nara...da kara de aru is a set construction often used to translate English 'because'. The meaning is: 'Why? It is because...' This is a convenient device for retaining the English word order.

バジリスクにとって Bajirisuku ni totte = 'for the Basilisk'
致命的な chimei-teki na = 'fatal' + な na, an alternative form of the verb である de aru, used before nouns.
のは no wa = 'thing (topic)'. The の no here stands in for a noun (English = 'what is fatal for a Basilisk')
雄鶏が on-dori ga = 'cock, rooster' + subject particle
時をつくる toki o tsukuru = 'to make the time' = 'to crow'
koe = 'voice'
de = 'sentence-linking form' of である de aru 'to be, is', suspends the sentence for a moment before continuing.

1. This is derived from
Ondori ga toki o tsukuru koe wa Bajirisuku ni totte chimei-teki de aru
'The sound of a rooster's crowing is fatal to the Basilisk'.
To transform this into a structure meaning 'That which is fatal to the Basilisk is the crowing of the rooster' requires this structure in Japanese. バジリスクにとって致命的である(=な)のは Bajirisuku ni totte chimei-teki de aru (=na) no wa is placed at the start of the sentence. This becomes the topic of the sentence with は. This は is contrastive in function, contrasting the fact that the Basilisk is the enemy of spiders with the fact that the crowing of the cock is fatal to the Basilisk.
2. で de completes the clause but suspends the sentence for continuation below. The meaning may be 'and' or 'because'.

唯一 yui-itsu = 'sole, solely'
それからは sore kara wa = 'it' + particle meaning 'from' + topic particle
逃げ出す nige-dasu = 'to escape'