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Stone Lions in Hainan (1)


Some Lions (Lion-dogs) in Haikou and Sanya

This page shows a few stone lions taken at random in Haikou and Sanya. They are not remarkable specimens, but they do show some of the variety present.

Outside a bank in Haikou
Stone lion in Haikou (female)
Stone lion in Haikou (male)



Outside a small hotel in Haikou
Stone lion in Haikou (female)
Stone lion in Haikou (male)


Outside a set of shops in Haikou
\Stone lion in Haikou (female)
Stone lion in Haikou (male)


Outside a hotel in Sanya. The male in these statues is anatomically male (in addition, of course, to the ball under his foot).
Stone lion in Sanya (female) - diagonal view
Stone lion in Sanya (male) - diagonal view
Stone lion in Sanya (female) - frontal view
Stone lion in Sanya (male) - frontal view


Stone Lions in Hainan (2)
Qionghai and Haikou
Some Slightly Different Stone Lions
Tibetan, Vietnamese, Ming
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