"Choppy Japanese": dramatic journalistic prose (passage continued)
22 April 2016
The following is the continuation of Nakazawa's article on the impact of the Panama Papers in China, entitled 「パナマ文書」考 租税回避地の闇が動かす中国の権力闘争 (roughly, "Thoughts on the Panama Papers: How the scandal of tax havens moves China's power struggle"), which is covered here.
I will make minimal comment on the techniques used, but adnominal clauses are underlined and nouns serving as a 'framework' or 'anchor' for the sentence, followed by sentence-ending だ da, are double underlined. Longer adnominal clauses that contain within themselves shorter adnominal clauses are indicated with square brackets [ ]. Noun-stopped sentences are marked with an asterisk.
The above sentence is written in conventional style, rather than 'dramatic style', with the speaker identified at the start followed by the quotation.
逆の例もある。[ 租税回避地の利用を巡るスキャンダルを主流派が利用する ] 場合だ。14年に失脚した前党中央弁公庁主任の令計画*。前トップ、胡錦濤の官房長官役という大物だけに、追い落としの過程では様々な手が使われた。標的は令計画の親族の資産問題だった。
Another example of asset issues being used to bring about the downfall of a leader is cited. This time, as the first sentence indicates, it is the leadership that is waging an information war to bring down a target.
The entire paragraph sets a scene (a Chinese asset in Kyoto).
The paragraph features heavy use of nouns modified by adnominal clauses.
潤心庵の取引には、[ 租税回避地である英領バージン諸島に設立された ] ペーパーカンパニーが関係していた。令計画と死亡した息子、妻、実弟で多くの機密情報を持って米国に入国したとされる令完成の資産問題は、中国のインターネット上で様々な情報が飛び交った。
The information contained in the adnominal clause, which describes Ling Wanquan (令完成) as having taken secrets with him when he escaped to the U.S., is taken up in the following paragraph.
令完成の身柄については、中国当局が米政府に引き渡しを強く要求しており、米中間の外交問題にもなっている。[ 令完成の押さえている最高指導部に関する ] 機密情報が暴露されれば、中国の政局に計り知れない影響を与えるからだ。
The first sentence presents a situation, notably the diplomatic issue. The second explains why. This is a favoured device.
These sentences are in more conventional style. The reason appears to be that Nakazawa is playing this aspect down as it does not fully fit his theme of an information war.
This links back to the key theme of the article, although somewhat less convincingly.
今回、流れた 習近平の親族を巡る情報は数年前に既に出ている。12年には当時、国家副主席だった習近平の姉夫婦ら親族が巨額の資産を保有しているとの報道が世界中を駆け巡った。今回の情報も習本人ではない。親族の休眠会社だ。習の母は、息子のトップ就任を前に親族に資産整理を命じた。「就任後の問題がないとすれば打撃は少ない」。北京の政界ではこんな受け止め方が多い。
This paragraph deals with Xi Jinping's situation, as hinted at earlier in the article. Xi has covered himself well.
However, there is the danger of taint by association. This section is more conventional in style.
The paragraph starts with a bold assertion — Xi's whole anti-corruption campaign is fake. Only then does Nakazawa indicate that this is a view that could possibly come to be embraced by people in China. Then he points out how Xi is attempting to prevent this.
A quote claims that the Panama Papers are a Western plot, followed by an explanation that this is the party propaganda line. Nakazawa then points out that the Chinese understanding is mistaken.
The Chinese official approach is one of avoidance.
Nakazawa points out that the issue will come up in international conferences, which will put Xi on the spot. The first sentence is written in a more conventional discursive style. The last two sentences revert to a more dramatic style.
中国では来年、5年に1度の共産党大会が開催される。「ポスト習」が絡む最高指導部人事が焦点になる。このルールなき闘いを前に、[ 虎視眈々(たんたん)とパナマ文書の政局への利用をうかがう勢力が内部にいる ] 可能性がある。習の一枚看板である「反腐敗」に逆風が強まっている。
The article ends with ominous warnings about way that the Panama Papers could be used by internal forces in China, building up resistance to the anti-corruption campaign and influencing the leadership lineup as China moves into a post-Xi era.