No. 1
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Байхгүй ээ. Овоо хийморьтой охин байсан юм сан, уг нь. [Ээж]
Гэхдээ, гайгүй ээ. Хоёрт явж байгаа биз дээ. [Мя]
Би Мишээлийг гүйцэнэ ээ. Охиныгоо гүйцэнэ ээ, гүйцэнэ ээ. [Од]
За Мянгаа хүргэн бүр хоёр ямаа. [Ээж]
Юун, тэмээ вэ. [Од]
Хоёр ямаа байхгүй, яана аа. [Ээж]
Four family members are playing a game using shagai (the ankle bones of sheep) as dice. Shagai have four faces: ямаа (goat), хонь (sheep), тэмээ (camel), and морь (horse). The game involves going round a U-shaped 'racecourse'.
The participants are:
1) Ээж in red on the right, the family matriarch;
2) Her son-in-law Мянганбуу;
3) Her daughter Одгэрэл (Мянганбуу's wife);
4) The couple's daughter Мишээл.
In this segment, Одгэрэл throws first, followed by Мянган.
- овоо: 'very'
- хийморьтой: 'lucky' (involves qualities as a person, not mere blind luck)
- хоёрт: 'in second place'
- гүйцэх: 'overtake'
- хүргэн:'son-in-law'
Things to look out for:
- One sentence contains a юм.
- One sentence ends with биз дээ.
This section is difficult to hear as everyone is talking at once