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The Fox's Secret in 'The Little Prince'
in Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese, and Mongolian translation:
List of Translations

The following table shows the French original along with English, Chinese (Mainland and Taiwan), Japanese, and Vietnamese translations. An English gloss is shown below each version. Although it reads like a horrible kind of pidgin English, the gloss is meant to show roughly what the translation says, including slight differences in wording. There are also meanings inherent in the original that are virtually impossible to capture in an English gloss.

English Chinese
Tiếng Việt
Монгол хэл
ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠬᠡᠯᠡ

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0 Original Voici mon secret. Il est très simple: On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.  
1 Woods 1943 And now here is my secret, a very simple secret: It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye.  
2 Cuffe 1995 Now here is my secret, very simply: you can only see things clearly with your heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.  
3 Testot-Ferry 1995 Now here is my secret. It's very simple. It is only with one's heart that one can see clearly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.  
4 Wakeman 1997 This is my secret. It's very simple: we only really see with our hearts. What matters is invisible to the eyes.  
5 Howard 2000 Here is my secret. It’s quite simple: One sees clearly only with the heart. Anything essential is invisible to the eyes.  
1 Shī 1991 這就是我的秘密,一個很簡單的秘密:只有用心靈,一個人才能真正看得明白;單是透過雙眼看不見事情的真像。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge hěn jiǎndān de mìmì: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng, yīge rén cái néng zhēnzhèng kàn de míngbái; dān shì tòuguò shuāngyǎn kàn-bu-jiàn shìqíng de zhēnxiàng.
'This is my secret, a very simple secret: only using spirit, a person can truly understand; just look through two eyes can't see true aspect of things.'
2 Sòng 1992 我的秘訣如下,非常簡單:人唯用心靈才看得真;要緊的東西眼睛是看不見的。
Wǒ de mìjué rúxià, fēicháng jiǎndān: Rén wéi yòng xīnlíng cái kàn-de-zhēn; yào jǐn de dōngxi yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'My secret (of success) is as follows, extremely simple: People solely using spirit can see truly; important thing eye can't see.'
3 Yáo 1994 我的秘密——它很簡單:『我們只有用心才能真的看見;真正重要的東西是肉眼無法看見的』。
Wǒ de mìmì -- tā hěn jiǎndān: "Wǒmen zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng zhēn de kàn-jiàn; zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi shì ròuyǎn wúfǎ kàn-jiàn de".
'My secret -- it [is] very simple: "We only using the heart can truly see; truly important thing no way can see with naked eye".'
4 Chén 1998 這就是我的秘密,它很簡單,唯有用心才能看得清楚事物的真偽和重要性,光憑肉眼是看不到事物的精髓的
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, tā hěn jiǎndān, wéi yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn de qīngchu shìwù de zhēnwěi hé zhòngyàoxìng, guāng píng ròuyǎn shì kàn-bu-dào shìwù de jīngsuǐ de.
'This is my secret, it [is] very simple, solely with heart can see clearly true-and-false and importance, just rely on naked eye can't see quintessence of matters.'
5 Dù 1998 現在我說出我的祕密,其實很簡單:只有用心靈才能看得透徹,事物的精髓用眼睛是看不到的。
Xiànzài wǒ shuōchū wǒ de mìmì, qíshí hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn de tòuchè, shìwù de jīngsuǐ yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-dào de.
Now I [will] speak my secret, actually very simple: Only with spirit can see thoroughly, essence of matters can't see using eye.'
6 Wú 1999 我的秘密很簡單:一個人只有用心靈才能看得到真實的東西;真正重要的東西不是眼睛可以看得到的。
Wǒ de mìmì hěn jiǎndān: Yīge rén zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn-de-dào zhēnshí de dōngxi; zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi búshì yǎnjing kěyǐ kàn-de-dào de.
'My secret is very simple: A person only using spirit can see true things; really important things can't see using the eye.'
7 Lǐ & Yè 2000 這就是我的秘密,一個很簡單的秘密:一個人只有用心靈才能看得真確;重要的東西用肉眼是看不見的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge hěn jiǎndān de mìmì: Yīge rén zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn de zhēnquè; zhòngyào de dōngxi yòng ròuyǎn shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'This is my secret, a very simple secret: A person only using the spirit can see accurately; important things can't see using naked eye.'
8 Mǎ 2000 下面就是我的秘密:很簡單,我們只能用心來看,本質的東西用眼睛是看不見的
Xiàmiàn jiù shì wǒ de mìmì: hěn jiǎndān, wǒmen zhǐ néng yòng xīn lái kàn, běnzhí de dōngxi yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'The following is my secret: very simple, we can only look using the heart, essential things with the eye can't see.'
9 Máo 2000 这就是我要告诉你的秘密。其实它很简单:凭借心灵的观察才是可靠的。重要的东西,并非眼睛所见。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ yào gàosu nǐ de mìmì. Qíshí hěn jiǎndān: Píngjiè xīnlíng de guānchá cái shì kěkào de. Zhòngyào de dōngxi, bìng fēi yǎnjing suǒ jiàn.
'This is secret I want to tell you. Actually very simple: Only observation using the heart is reliable. Important things, the eye not see.'
10 Xuē 2000 现在,我要把那秘密告诉你,其实,这也很简单:人,只有用自己的心灵才能看清事物的本质,光凭眼睛是看不到的。
Xiànzài, wǒ yào bǎ nà mìmì gàosu nǐ, qíshí, zhè yě hěn jiǎndān: Rén, zhǐ yǒu yòng zìjǐ de xīnlíng cái néng kàn-qīng shìwù de běnzhì, guāng píng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-dào de.
'Now, I will tell you that secret, actually, this [is] quite simple: A person only using own spirit can see clearly essence of matters, only using eye can't see.'
11 Zhōu 2000 我的祕密很簡單,那就是:凡事只有用心去看,才能看明白,事物的本質用眼睛是看不出來的。
Wǒ de mìmì hěn jiǎndān, nà jiù shì: Fánshì zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn, cái néng kàn-míngbái, shìwù de běnzhí yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-chūlái de.
My secret [is] very simple, that is: All things only with heart can see and understand, essence of things using eye cannot make out.
12 Translator unknown 2000 喏,这就是我的秘密。很简单:只有用心才能看得清。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-de-qīng. Shízhì-xìng de dōngxi, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Look, this is my secret, very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Essential things, using eye can't see.'
13 Ài 2001 我的秘密其实很简单:只有用心灵才能看得清事物的本质;真正重要的东西是肉眼无法看见的。
Wǒ de mìmì qíshí hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn-de-qīng shìwù de běnzhì; zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi shì ròuyǎn wúfǎ kàn-jiàn de.
'My secret actually [is] very simple: Only using spirit can see clearly essence of matters; truly important things there's no way can see using naked eye.'
14 Chén 2001 我的秘密很簡單:只有用心才能看得清楚。真正重要的東西用眼睛是看不見的。
Wǒ de mìmì hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-de-qīngchu. Zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'My secret [is] very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Truly important things can't see using eye'.
15 Mǎ 2001

Wǒ de mìmì shì zhèyàng. Hěn jiǎndān: Yòng xīn qù kàn cái kàn-de-qīngchu. Běnzhí de dōngxi yǎnjing shì kān-bu-jiàn de.
'My secret is like this. Very simple: Only look using heart can see clearly. Essential things eye can't see.'

16 Wú & Dǒng 2001 這就是我的祕密。它很簡單:只有用心才看得清楚。真正的東西不是用眼睛看得到的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái kàn de qīngchu. Zhēnzhèng de dōngxi bú shì yòng yǎnjing kàn-de-dào de.
'This is my secret. It [is] very simple: Only look using heart can see clearly. True things can't see with eye.'
17 Zhāng 2001 我的秘密很簡單:唯有心才能看得清楚,眼睛是看不到重要的東西的。
Wǒ de mìmì hěn jiǎndān: Wéi yǒu xīn cái néng kàn de qīngchu, yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-dào zhòngyào de dōngxi de.
'My secret [is] very simple: Only heart can see clearly, eye can't see important things.'
18 Lǐ-1 2002 這是我的秘密,一個再簡單不過的秘密:一個人只要用心去看才能看得真實,真實的事情用眼睛是看不清楚的。
Zhè shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge zài jiǎndan búguò de mìmì: Yīge rén zhǐ yào yòng xīn qù kàn cái néng kàn de zhēnshí; zhēnshí de shìqing yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-qīngchu de.
'This is my secret, an extremely simple secret: A person only look using heart can see truly. True things can't see clearly with eye.'
19 Lǐ-2 2002 这就是我的秘密。很简单,只能用心才看得准确。最主要的要点是眼睛所看不见的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Hěn jiǎndān, zhǐ néng yòng xīn cái kàn de zhǔnquè. Zuì zhǔyào de yàodiǎn shì yǎnjing suǒ kàn bu jiàn de.
'This is my secret. Very simple, can only using heart see accurately. Most important key point eye can't see.'
20 Zhōu 2002 我告诉你那个秘密,它很简单:只有用心才能看见。本质的东西用眼是看不见的。
Wǒ gàosu nǐ nàge mìmì, tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-jiàn. Běnzhì de dōngxi yòng yǎn shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'I [will] tell you that secret, it [is] very simple: Only using heart can see. Essential things can't see using eye.'
21 Chéng 2003 我的秘密是这样的,其实很简单:只有用心灵去看,才能看得清晰。事物的本质,恰恰是眼睛所无法看到的。
Wǒ de mìmì shì zhèyàng de, qíshí hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng qù kàn, cái néng kàn de qīngxī. Shìwù de běnzhì, qiàqià shì yǎnjing suǒ wúfǎ kàndào de.
'My secret is like this, actually very simple: Only look using spirit can see clearly. Essence of matters, is exactly what eye has no way of seeing.'
22 Lín 2003 这就是我的秘密,它很简单:用心去看才能看清楚,用眼睛是看不见本质的东西的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, tā hěn jiǎndān: Yòng xīn qù kàn cái néng kàn-qīngchu, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn běnzhì de dōngxi de.
'This is my secret, it [is] very simple: only look using heart can see clearly, using eye essential things can't see.'
23 Xū 2003 这就是我的秘密,它很简单:只要用心去看就能看清,本质的东西是肉眼看不见的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yào yòng xīn qù kàn jiù néng kàn-qīng, běnzhì de dōngxi shì ròuyǎn kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'This is my secret, it [is] very simple: Look using heart only can see clearly, essential things naked eye can't see.'
24 Zhèng 2003 现在送给你一个我的秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有用心灵去看,人们才能真正的看见。精华的东西,眼睛是永远看不见的。
Xiànzài sòng gěi nǐ yīge wǒ de mìmì, yīge fěicháng jiǎndān de mìmì: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng qù kàn, rénmen cái néng zhēnzhèng de kànjiàn. Jīnghuá de dōngxi, yǎnjing shì yǒngyuǎn kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Now I'll give you a secret of mine, a very simple secret: Only look using spirit people can see rightly. Things of the essence forever eye can't see.'
25 Bái 2004 现在,我告诉你我的秘密,这是一个十分简单的秘密:一切事物的本质,用肉眼是看不到的,只有用心去看,才能体会到。
Xiànzài, wǒ gàosu nǐ wǒ de mìmì, zhè shì yīge shífen jiǎndān de mìmì: Yīqiè shìwù de běnzhì, yòng ròuyǎn shì kàn-bu-dào de, zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn, cái néng tǐhuì dào.
'Now, I [will] tell you my secret, this is a quite simple secret: The essence of all things can't see using naked eye, Only look using heart can know.'
26 Cāo & Féng 2004 现在告诉你这个秘密,非常简单:只有用心去看才能看得清楚。珍贵的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
Xiànzài gàosu nǐ zhège mìmì, fēicháng jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn cái néng kàn de qīngchu. Zhēnguì de dōngxi, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Now [I will] tell you this secret, extremely simple: Only look using heart can see clearly. Valuable things, using eye can't see.'
27 Dài 2004 现在,来看我的秘密吧,这是一个简单的秘密,只有用心才能体会,内中本质是眼睛看不到的。
Xiànzài, lái kàn wǒ de mìmì ba, zhè shì yīge jiǎndān de mìmì, zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng tǐhuì, nèizhōng běnzhì shì yǎnjing kàn-bu-dào de.
'Now, come look at my secret, this is a very simple secret: Only using heart can know, internal essence eye can't see.'
28 Liú 2004 这是我的秘密,一个再简单不过的秘密:一个人只要用心去看才能看得真实,真实的事情用眼睛是看不清楚的。
Zhè shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge zài jiǎndān bu guò de mìmì: Yīge rén zhǐ yào yòng xīn qù kàn cái néng kàn de zhēnshí, zhēnshí de shìqing yòng yǎnjing shì kàn bu qīngchu de.
'This is my secret, an extremely simple secret: A person only look using heart can see truly, true situation can't see clearly using eye.'
E (plag.)
29 Lóng 2004 喏,这就是我的秘密。很简单:只有用心才能够看得清楚。实质性的东西,只用眼睛是看不见的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng gòu kàn de qīngchu. Shízhì-xìng de dōngxi, zhǐ yòng yǎnjing shì kàn bu jiàn de.
'Look, this is my secret. Very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Actual things, only using eye can't see'.
30 Lǚ 2004 现在我把那个秘密告诉你,一个简单的秘密:一个人只有用心才能看得清楚。本质的东西用眼睛是看不见的。
Xiànzài wǒ bǎ nàge mìmì gàosu nǐ, yīge jiǎndān de mìmì: Yīge rén zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn de qīngchu. Běnzhì de dōngxi yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Now I tell you that secret, a simple secret: A person only using heart can see clearly. Essential things can't see using eye.'
31 Táng 2004 我告诉你这个秘密,很简单:凡事只要用心去观察才看得清楚,用眼睛是看不见事物的本质的。
Wǒ gàosu nǐ zhège mìmì, hěn jiǎndān: Fánshì zhǐ yào yòng xīn qù guānchá cái kàn de qīngchu, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn shìwù de běnzhì de.
'I [will] tell you this secret, [it's] very simple: All things only observing using heart can see clearly, using eye can't see essence of matters.'
32 Wú 2004 喏,这就是我的秘密。它很简单:只有心灵才能洞察一切,用眼睛是看不见事物的本质的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu xīnlíng cái néng dòngchá yīqiè, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn shìwù de běnzhì de.
'Look, this is my secret. It [is] very simple: Only spirit can perceive everything clearly. Using eye can't see essence of matters.'
33 Yáng 2004 現在我把那秘密說出來,其實很平凡。人,只有用心靈才能看得透澈,事物的精髓,光憑眼睛是看不到的。
Xiànzài wǒ bǎ nà mìmì shuōchūlái, qíshí hěn píngfán. Rén, zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn-de-tòuchè, shìwù de jīngsǔi, guāng píng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-dào de.
'Now I will say my secret, actually [it's] very common. People, only if using spirit can see thoroughly, quintessence of matters, just using eye can't see.'
34 Ài 2005

Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, qíshí tā hěn jiǎndān: rén zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn-de-qīngchu; ròuyǎn shì yǒngyuǎn wúfǎ kàn qīngchu shìwù de běnzhì de.
'This is my secret, actually it [is] very simple: A person only using spirit can see clearly; naked eye forever has no way of seeing clearly essence of matters.'

35 Guō 2005 这就是我的秘密,很简单:只有用心才能看得清楚。眼睛,是看不见本质的。
Zhè shì wǒ de mìmì, hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn de qīngchu. Yǎnjing, shì kàn bu jiàn běnzhì de.
'This is my secret, very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Eye can't see the essential.'
36 Huáng 2005 这就是我的秘密。很简单:只有用心才能看得清。真正重要的东西,眼睛是看不见的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Hěn jiǎndān: zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-de-qīng. Zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi, yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'This is my secret. Very simple: Only using heart can see clearly, truly important things, eye can't see.'
37 Xiāo 2005 我要告诉你的秘密很简单:只有心灵才看得清事物的本质,真正重要的东西肉眼是看不见的。
Wǒ yào gàosu nǐ de mìmì hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu xīnlíng cái kàn-de-qīng shìwù de běnzhì, zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi ròuyǎn shì kàn-bu-dào de.
'Secret I want to tell you [is] very simple: Only spirit can see clearly essence of matters, truly important things naked eye can't see.'
38 Bā 2006 这就是我送给你的秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有依靠心灵,一个人才能正确地看待世界,眼睛是看不到事物的本质的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ sòng gěi nǐ de mìmì, yīge fēicháng jiǎndān de mìmì: Zhǐ yǒu yīkào xīnlíng, yīge rén cái néng zhèngquè de kàndài shìjiè, yǎnjìng shì kàn-bu-dào shìwù de běnzhì de.
'This is secret I give to you, a very simple secret: Only relying on spirit a person can accurately look upon world, eye can't see essence of matters.'
39 Chén & Huǒ 2006 这就是我的秘密。其实很简单:只有用心才能看得清。本质的东西是肉眼所看不到的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Qíshí hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-de-qīng. Běnzhì de dōngxi shì ròuǎn suǒ kàn-bu-dào de.
'This is my secret. Actually very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Essential things naked eye cannot see.'
40 Dà 2006 现在我就告诉你这个秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有用心才能看清事物的本质,这是我们的肉眼所看不到的。
Xiànzài wǒ jiù gàosu nǐ zhège mìmì, yīge fēicháng jiǎndān de mìmì: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-qīng shìwù de běnzhì, zhè shì wǒmen de ròuyǎn suǒ kàn-bu-dào de.
'Now I [will] tell you this secret, an extremely simple secret: Only look using heart can see clearly essence of matters, this is [what] our naked eye can't see.'
41 Hóng 2006 对了,这便是我的秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有用心去看,才能看得准;重要的东西眼睛是看不见的。
Duì le, zhè biàn shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge fēicháng jiǎndān de mìmì: zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn, cái néng kàn de zhǔn; zhòngyào de dōngxi yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Oh yes, this is my secret, a very simple secret: Only using heart can see accurately; important things eye can't see.'
42 Liǔ 2006 我要告诉你的秘密,其实很简单,人只能用心灵去观察,去感受。要知道,光靠肉眼,是不可能看到本质的东西的。
Wǒ yào gàosu nǐ de mìmì, qíshí hěn jiǎndān, rén zhǐ néng yòng xīnlíng qù guānchá, qù gǎnshòu. Yào zhīdào, guāng kào ròuyǎn, shì bù kěnéng kàndào běnzhì de dōngxi de.
'Secret I want to tell you, actually very simple, a person can only use spirit to observe and experience. Should know, just rely on naked eye, can't see essential things.'
43 Mǎ 2006 现在告诉你我的秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有用心去观察,才能看的真切;最根本的东西用眼睛是看不见的。
Xiànzài gàosu nǐ wǒ de mìmì, yīge fēicháng jiǎndān de mìmì: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù guānchá, cái néng kàn de zhēnqiè; zuì gēnběn de dōngxi yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Now I [will] tell you my secret, a very simple secret: Only observe using heart can see distinctly; most basic thing using eye can't see.'
44 Zhōu 2006 这就是我的秘密。它很简单:我们只有用心才能看得清楚,本质的东西肉眼是看不到的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā hěn jiǎndān: Wǒmen zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-de-qīngchu, běnzhì de dōngxì ròuyǎn shì kàn-bu-dào de.
'This is my secret, it [is] very simple: We only look using heart can see clearly, essential things naked eye can't see.'
45 Zǐ 2006 这就是我的秘密,它很简单:只有用心才能看清楚事物的本质,真正重要的东西用肉眼是看不见的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-qīngchu shìwù de běnzhì, zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxì yòng ròuyǎn shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'This is my secret. It [is] very simple: Only look using heart can see clearly essence of matters, truly important things using naked eye can't see.'
46 Wáng & Qián 2008 听着,这就是我的秘密。它很简单:只有用心才能看清一切。内在的东西,眼睛是看不到的。
Tīngzhe, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-qīng yīqiè. Nèizài de dōngxi, yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-dào de.
'Listen, this is my secret. It [is] very simple: Only using heart can see clearly all. Inherent things, eye cannot see.'
47 Wú 2008 瞧,这便是我的秘密。它十分简单:只有用心去看才会看得真切。本质的东西,用眼睛是无法看清的。
Qiáo, zhè biàn shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā shífen jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kà cái huì kàn-de-zhēnqiē. Běnzhì de dōngxi, yòng yǎnjing shì wúfǎ kàn-qīng de.
'Look, this is my secret. It [is] quite simple: Only look using heart can see truly. Essential things, using eye have no way to see clearly.'
48 Féng 2010 现在我把秘密告诉你吧,其实很简单;只有用自己的心灵才能看清事物的真相。最本质的东西眼睛是看不见的。
Xiànzài wǒ bǎ mìmì gàosu nǐ ba, qíshí hěn jiǎndān; zhǐ yǒu yòng zìjǐ de xīnlíng cái néng kàn-qīng shìwù de zhēnxiàng. Zuì běnzhì de dōngxi yǎnjing shì kàn-bù-jiàn de.
Now I let me tell you the secret, actually very simple; only using own spirit can see clearly true aspect of things. Most essential thing eye can't see.
49 Lín 2010 喏,这就是我的秘密,很简单,只有用心灵看,才能看得清楚;本质的东西,眼睛是看不见的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, hěn jiǎndān, zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng kàn, cái néng kàn-de-qīngchǔ; běnzhì de dōngxi, yǎnjing shì kàn-bù-jiàn de.
Look, this is my secret, very simple, only using spirit to see can see clearly; essential things eye can't see.
50 Wáng 2010 喏,这是我的秘密。很简单。只有用心才能看到本质的东西。精髓是眼睛看不见的。
Nuò, zhè shì wǒ de mìmì. Hěn jiǎndān. Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-dào běnzhì de dōngxi. Jīngsǔi shì yǎnjing kàn-bù-jiàn de.
Look, this is my secret. Very simple. Only using heart can see essential things. Quintessence eye can't see.
51 Zhèng 2010 对了,这便是我的秘密,一个非常简单的秘密:只有用心去看,才能看得清;重要的东西眼睛是看不见的。
Duì le, zhè biàn shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge fēicháng jiǎndān de mìmì: zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn, cái néng kàn-de-qīng; zhòngyào de dōngxi yǎnjing shì kàn-bù-jiàn de.
Oh yes, this is my secret, a very simple secret: only using heart to see can see clearly; important things eye cannot see.
52 Yì ND Not available F
53 Translator unknown ND-1 這就是我的祕密。它很簡單:只有用心靈,一個人才能看得很清楚。真正的東西不是用眼睛可以看得到的。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Tā hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng, yíge rén cái néng kàn de hěn qīngchu. Zhēnzhèng de dōngxi bú shì yòng yǎnjing kěyǐ kàn-de-dào de.
'This is my secret. It [is] very simple: Only using spirit, can a person see very clearly. True things using eye can't see.'
54 Translator unknown ND-2 這是我的秘密,一個很簡單的秘密:一個人唯有用心去看事情才能看得正確。凡是本質的事都不是眼目能看得見的。
Zhè shì wǒ de mìmì, yīge hěn jiǎndān de mìmì: Yīge rén wéi yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn shìqing cái néng kàn de zhèngquè. Fán shì běnzhí de shì dōu bú shì yǎnmù néng kàn-de-jiàn de.
'This is my secret, a very simple secret: A person solely look at matters using heart can see accurately. All essential things can't see with eye.'
1a Chéng 2002 其實,我的秘密很簡單:只有用『心』去看,你才能看見一切,因為,真正重要的東西,是眼睛看不見的。
Qíshí, wǒ de mìmì hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng "xīn" qù kàn, nǐ cái néng kàn yīqiè, yīnwèi, zhēnzhèng zhòngyào de dōngxi, shì yǎnjing kàn-bu-dào de.
'Actually, my secret [is] very simple: Only use "heart" to see, you can see all, because truly important things, eye can't see.'
2a Ān 2004 喏,这就是我的秘密,很简单,只有用心灵才能看得清楚事物的本质。眼睛只能看到它表面的东西......。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì, hěn jiǎndān, zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng kàn-de-qīngchu shìwù de běnzhì. Yǎnjing zhǐ néng kàn-dào tā biǎomiàn de dōngxi.
'Look, this is my secret, very simple, only look using heart can see clearly essence of matters. Eye can only see surface......'
3a Zhū 2004 现在告诉你我要说的秘密:只有用心去看,才能看到实质。单凭眼睛去看是看不出来的。就是这个道理,很简单。
Xiànzài gàosu nǐ wǒ yào shuō de mìmì: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn, cái néng kàn-dào shízhì. Dān píng yǎnjing qù kàn shì kàn-bu-chūlái de. Jiù shì zhège dàoliǐ, hěn jiǎndān.
'Now [I will] tell you the secret I want to say: Only look using heart can see actual things. Only look using eye can't tell. [It] is just this logic, very simple.'
4a Dòu & Liú 2005 喏,这就是我的秘密。说起来其实很简单:只有用心灵才能洞察事物的本质。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Shuō qǐ lái qíshí hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīnlíng cái néng dòngchá shìwù de běnzhì. Shízhì-xìng de dōngxi, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Look, this is my secret. Once you state it actually [is] very simple: Only using spirit can perceive clearly essence of matters. Actual things, eye can't see.'
5a Chén 2006 喏,这就是我的秘密。很简单:只有用心才能看得清。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn-de-qīng. Shíjì-xìng de dōngxi, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Look, this is my secret. Very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Actual things, using eye can't see.'
5b Fù 2006 喏,这就是我的秘密。事情很简单,只有用心才能看清楚。实质性的东西,用眼睛是看不见的。
Nuò, zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Shìqíng hěn jiǎndān, zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng kàn qīngchu. Shízhì-xìng de dōngxi, yòng yǎnjing shì kàn-bu-jiàn de.
'Look, this is my secret. The matter [is] very simple: Only using heart can see clearly. Actual things, using eye can't see.'
5c Hé 2006 这就是我的秘密。说起来也很简单:只有心灵才能洞察一切,肉眼看不见事物的本质。
Zhè jiù shì wǒ de mìmì. Shuōqǐlái yě hěn jiǎndān: Zhǐ yǒu xīnlíng cái néng dòngchá yīqiè, ròuyǎn kàn-bu-jiàn shìwù de běnzhì.
'This is my secret. Mentioning [it] also very simple: Only spirit can perceive everything clearly. Naked eye can't see essence of matters.'
6a Wú & Chén 2006 喏,我的礼物很简单,我是想密告诉你:只有用心去看才能看清事物的本质,光靠眼睛看是不行的。
Nuò, wǒ de lǐwù hěn jiǎndān, wǒ shì xiǎng gàosu nǐ: Zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn qù kàn cái néng kàn-qīng shìwù de běnzhì, guāng kào yānjing kàn shì bù xíng de.
'Look, my present [is] very simple, I want to tell you: Only look using heart can see clearly essence of matters, only relying on eye to see is no good.'
7a Tán 2010 喏,我要告诉你一个秘密。它非常简单,一个人只有用心才能将万事万物看得一清二楚,用肉眼是看不出事物的本质的。
Nuò, wǒ yào gàosu nǐ yīge mìmì. Tā fēicháng jiǎndān, yīge rén zhǐ yǒu yòng xīn cái néng jiāng wànshì wànwù kàn-de yī-qìng èr-chǔ, yòng ròuyǎn shì kàn-bù-chū shìwù de běnzhì de.
Look, I will tell you a secret. It [is] very simple, a person only using heart can see very-clearly all things, with naked eye can't see essence of things.
1 Naitō 1954 さっきの秘密をいおうかね。なに、なんでもないことだよ。心で見なくちゃ、ものごとはよく見えないってことさ。かんじんなことは、目に見えないんだよ。
Sakki no himitsu o iō ka ne. Nani, nan demo nai koto da yo. Kokoro de minakucha, monogoto wa yoku mienai-tte koto sa. Kanjin na koto wa, me ni mienain'da yo.
'Shall [I] tell you that secret [I mentioned] before. Nothing, nothing at all. [It is] the fact that if [you] don't look with heart, things can't be seen well. Essential things, eye can't see.'
2 Fujita 2005 おれのひみつってのはこういうことさ。とてもかんたんなことなんだ。こころで見なくちゃものごとはよく見えないってことさ。いちばんたいせつなものは目に見えないのさ。
Ore no himitsu-tte no wa kō yū koto sa. Totemo kantan na koto nan'da. Kokoro de minakucha monogoto wa yoku mienai-tte koto sa. Ichiban taisetsu na mono wa me ni meinai no sa.
'My secret is like this. [It] is a very simple thing. [It is] the fact that if don't look with heart, can't see things well. Most important thing eye can't see.'
3 Ikezawa 2005 じゃ秘密を言うよ。簡単なことなんだ——ものは心で見る。肝心なことは目では見えない
Ja himitsu o yū yo. Kantan na koto nan'da -- mono wa kokoro de miru. Kanjin na koto wa me de wa mienai
'So [I] will say the secret. [It] is a simple thing -- see things with heart. Essential things with eye can't see'
4 Ishii 2005 ぼくの秘密を教えてあげるよ。とても簡単なことさ。心で見ないと、なにも見えない。いちばん大事なことは、目には見えない。
Boku no himitsu o oshiete ageru yo. Totemo kantan na koto sa. Kokoro de minai to, nani mo mienai. Ichiban daijia na koto wa, me ni wa mienai.
'[I] will tell you my secret. Very simple thing. If don't look with heart, can't see anything. Most important things, eye can't see.'
5 Kawakami & Tsuzura 2005 おれからの秘密の贈り物というのは、こういうことなんだよ。とても単純なことだけど。『ものごとは心でしか見ることができない』ってことなんだ。大切なことは目には見えないんだよ
Ore kara no himitsu no okurimono to yū no wa, kō yū koto nan'da yo. Totemo tanjun na koto da kedo. "Monogoto wa kokoro de shika miru koto ga dekinai" tte koto nan'da. Taisetsu na koto wa me ni wa mienain'da yo
'The secret as a present from me is this. [It] is a very simple thing.... [It] is the fact that "can only see things with heart". Important things eye can't see'
6 Mino 2005 これがおれの秘密なんだ。とても簡単なんだよ。心で見なくちゃ、よく見えない。いちばん大切なものは目に見えないんだ。
Kore ga ore no himitsu nan'da. Totemo kantan nan'da yo. Kokoro de minakucha, yoku mienai. Ichiban taisetsu na mono wa me ni mienain'da.
'This is my secret. Is very simple. If don't look with heart, can't see well. Most important things eye can't see.'
7 Yamazaki 2005 ぼくの秘密を教えてあげよう。とても簡単なことだ。心で見なくちゃよく見えない。大切なことは目には見えないんだよ。
Boku no himitsu o oshiete ageyō. Totemo kantan na koto da. Kokoro de minakucha yoku mienai. Taisetsu na koto wa me ni wa mienain'da yo.
'[I] will tell you my secret. [It] is a very simple thing. If don't look with heart can't see well. Important things eye can't see.'
8 Inagaki 2006 これから、ぼくの知っている秘密を教えてあげるよ。とても簡単なことさ。心で見なければ、よく見えてこない。大切なものは目には見えないんだ
Kore kara, boku no shitte iru himitsu o oshiete ageru yo. Totemo kantan na koto sa. Kokoro de minakereba, yoku miete konai. Taisetsu na mono wa me ni wa mienain'da
'Now, [I] will tell you the secret that I know. Very simple thing. If don't look with heart, can't see well. Important thing eye can't see'
9 Kawahara 2006 さあ、きみにプレゼントしたい秘密っていうのはこれなんだ。とっても簡単なことなんだけどね。《ものごとは心でしか見ることができない。ほんとうに大切なことは、目には見えない》っていうことさ
Sā, kimi ni purezento shitai himitsu-tte yū no wa kore nan'da. Tottemo kantan na koto nan'da kedo ne. "Monogoto wa kokoro de shika miru koto ga dekinai. Hontō ni taisetsu na koto wa, me ni wa mienai" tte yū koto sa
'Now, secret that I want to present to you is this. [It] is a very simple thing.... [It] is the fact that "things can only see with heart. Really important things, eye can't see"'
10 Kojima 2006 ほら、秘密をプレゼントするよ。これはとても単純なものだよ。心で見ないと、ものごとはよく見えない。肝心なことは目に見えない。これがきみに贈るぼくの秘密だよ
Hora, himitsu o purezento suru yo. Kore wa totemo tanjun na mono da yo. Kokoro de minai to, monogoto wa yoku mienai. Kanjin na koto wa me ni mienai. Kore ga kimi ni okuru boku no himitsu da yo
'Look, [I] will present a secret. This is a very simple thing. If not look with heart, things can't see well. Important things eye can't see. This is my secret that [I] give to you'
11 Kōno 2006 じゃあ秘密を教えるよ。とてもかんたんなことだ。ものごとはね、心で見なくてはよく見えない。いちばんたいせつなことは、目に見えない
Jā himitsu o oshieru yo. Totemo kantan na koto da. Monogoto wa ne, kokoro de minakute wa yoku mienai. Ichiban taisetsu na koto wa, me ni mienai
'Now [I] will tell [the] secret. [It] is a very simple thing. Things, if don't look with heart can't see well. Most important thing, eye can't see'
12 Kurahashi 2006 おれの秘密を教えようか。簡単なことさ。心で見ないと物事はよく見えない。肝心なことは目には見えないということだ
Ore no himitsu o oshieyō ka. Kantan na koto sa. Kokoro de minai to monogoto wa yoku mienai. Kanjin na koto wa me ni wa mienai to yū koto da
'Let [me] tell my secret. [It is a] simple thing. If not look with heart things can't see well. [It] is the fact that, essential things eye can't see.'
13 Mita 2006 秘密を教えよう。とてもかんたんなことだ。心でなければ、ものは見えないってことさ。かんじんなことは、目では見えない......
Himitsu o oshieyō. Totemo kantan na koto da. Kokoro de nakereba, mono wa mienai-tte koto sa. Kanjin na koto wa, me de wa mienai...
'Let [me] tell [the] secret. [It] is a very simple thing. [It] is the fact that, if not heart, things can't see. Essential things, can't see with eye...'
14 Nozaki 2006 じゃあ、秘密を教えてあげよう。とてもかんたんだよ。心で見なくちゃ、ものはよく見えない。大切なものは、目には見えないんだよ
Jā, himitsu o oshiete ageyō. Totemo kantan da yo. Kokoro de minakucha, mono wa yoku mienai. Taisetsu na mono wa, me ni wa mienain'da yo
'Now, [I] will tell my secret. [It] is very simple. If not look with heart, things can't see well. Important things, eye can't see.'
15 Tanigawa 2006 さあ、オイラの秘密を教えよう。すごく単純なことなんだ。それは、心でしかものはよく見えないってことだよ。いちばんたいせつなものは、目には見えないんだ
Sā, oira no himitsu o oshieyō. Sugoku tanjun na koto nan'da. Sore wa, kokoro de shika mono wa yoku mienai-tte koto da yo. Ichiban taisetsu na mono wa, me ni wa mienain'da
'Now, [I] will tell my secret. [It] is a very simple thing. It is, with heart only can see things well. Most important things, eye can't see.'
1a Shinsan 2005 約束したとおり、秘密を教えるよ。とても簡単なこと。心で見ないと、物事の本質はわからないんだ。大切なことは、目に見えないんだよ
Yakusoku shita tōri, himitsu o oshieru yo. Totemo kantan na koto. Kokoro de minai to, monogoto no honshitsu wa wakaranain'da. Taisetsu na koto wa, me ni mienain'da yo.
'As [I] promised, tell you secret. Very simple thing. If don't look with heart, can't understand essence of matters. Important things, eye can't see.'
1 Long 2000-1 Đây, cái bí quyết của tớ. Rất giản dị thôi: Người ta chỉ nhìn thấy thật rõ bằng trái tim mình. Cái chủ yếu thì mắt chẳng thể thấy.
'Here, my secret [formula]. Very simple: One only sees truly clearly with one's heart. Main things eye unable to see.'
2 Long 2000-2 Đây, cái bí quyết của tớ đây. Rất giản dị thôi: Người ta chỉ nhìn thấy thật rõ bằng trái tim mình. Cái chủ yếu thì mắt chẳng thể thấy.
'Here, here's my secret [formula]. Very simple: One only sees truly clearly with one's heart. Main things eye unable to see.'
3 Đại 2005 Đây là bí mật của mình. Rất đơn giản: người ta chỉ thấy rõ với cả trái tim. Điều cốt yếu vô hình đối với con mắt.
'Here's my secret. [It's] very simple: One only sees truly clearly with whole heart. Essential things [are] invisible to the eye.'
4 Giáng 2006 Đây là điều bí ẩn. Thật rất đơn sơ: người ta chỉ nhìn thấy rõ là với trái tim. Các cốt thiết, cái tinh thể, cái đó vô hình đối với hai con mắt.
'Here's [the] secret. Really very simple: One only sees clearly with heart. The necessary, the crystal (?), are those that are invisible to both eye.'
5 Lạc ND Đây là cái bí mật của tớ. Nó đơn giản thôi: người ta chỉ nhìn thấy thật rõ ràng bằng trái tim. Cái cốt yếu thì con mắt không nhìn thấy.
Here's my secret. It [is] simple: One only sees truly clearly with heart. Essential things eye not see.'
1 Sukhbaatar 2006 ᠡᠨᠡ ᠮᠢᠨᠣ ᠨᠢᠭᠤᠴᠠ ᠃ ᠡᠨᠡ ᠶᠡᠬᠡ ᠡᠩ᠌ ᠤᠨ ᠂ ᠵᠦᠪᠬᠡᠨ ᠰᠡᠳᠬᠡᠯ ᠵᠢᠷᠦᠬᠡ ᠪᠡᠷ ᠵᠢᠠᠨ ᠯᠠ ᠬᠠᠷᠠᠳᠠᠭ ᠶᠤᠮ ᠃ ᠨᠢᠳᠦᠠ ᠳᠦ ᠦᠵᠡᠭᠳᠡᠳᠡᠭ ᠦᠭᠡᠢ ᠨᠢ ᠣᠨᠴᠠᠯᠢᠭ ᠯᠠ ᠳᠠ...
En minii nuuts. En ikh engiiŋ, zövkhöŋ setgel zürkheer l khardag yum. Nüdend üzegdeggüi n' ontslog l doo...
'This is my secret. It's very simple, only with the heart can (one) see. What can't be seen with the eyes is the characteristic...'
1 Sukhbaatar 2012 Энэ миний нууц. Энэ их энгийн гэдэг нь: зөвхөн сэтгэл зүрхээрээ л хардаг юм. Нүдэнд үзэгддэггүй нь онцлог л доо...
En minii nuuts. En ikh engiiŋ gedeg yum, zövkhöŋ setgel zürkheer l khardag yum. Nüdend üzegddeggüi n' ontslog l doo...
'This is my secret. It's something very simple, only with the heart can (one) see. What can't be seen with the eyes is the characteristic...'
2 Temurjin 2006 ᠮᠢᠨᠦ ᠨᠢᠭᠤᠴᠠ ᠭᠡᠳᠠᠭ᠌ ᠴᠢᠨᠢ ᠡᠭᠦᠨ ᠢ ᠬᠡᠯᠡᠭᠡᠳ ᠪᠠᠢᠭ᠎ᠠ ᠵᠤᠮ ᠂ ᠦᠨᠡᠨ ᠳᠡᠭᠡᠨ ᠮᠠᠰᠢ ᠳᠦᠬᠦᠮᠬᠡᠨ ᠃ ᠣᠶᠤᠠ ᠰᠡᠳᠬᠡᠯ ᠵᠢᠡᠷ ᠯᠠ ᠰᠠᠶᠢ ᠠᠯᠢᠪᠠ ᠪᠦᠬᠦᠨ ᠢ ᠨᠡᠪᠲᠡ ᠠᠵᠢᠵᠣ ᠴᠢᠳᠠᠨ᠎ᠠ ᠂ ᠤᠰᠤᠨ ᠨᠢᠳᠦ ᠪᠡᠷ ᠶᠠᠭᠣᠮᠠᠨ ᠪ ᠮᠦᠨ ᠴᠢᠨᠠᠷ ᠢ ᠣᠯᠵᠤ ᠬᠠᠷᠠᠳᠠᠭ ᠦᠭᠡᠢ ᠶᠤᠮ᠃
Minii nuuts gedeg chin' üünig kheleed baigaa yum. Ünendee mash dökhömkheŋ. Oyuŋ setgeleer l say al'vaa bükhniig nevt ajij chadan. Usaŋ nüdeer yumni möŋ chanarig olj khardaggüi yum.
'I'll tell you what my secret is. It's really very easy. Only with the mind can (you) observe all things. (You) don't find the essence of things with the naked eye.'
3 Tomorkhuleg 2014 Миний хэлэх гэсэн нууц их жирийн. Юмыг сэтгэл зүрхний гүнээс л олж хардаг юм шүү. Мөн чанар нүдэнд харагддаггүй.
Minii khelekh gesen nuuts ikh jiriin. Yumiig setgel zürkhnii günees l olj khardag yum shüü. Mön chanar nüdend kharagddaggüi.
'The secret I want to say is very ordinary. You can only see things from the depths of the heart. The essence can't be seen with the eyes.'
4 Oyunchimeg 2016 Миний чамд хэлэх нууц бол маш энгийн. Хамгийн гярхай харц зүрхэнд байдаг юм шүү. Хамгийн чухал зүйлийг нүдээр харж чадахгүй...
Minii chamd khelekh nuuts bol mash engiin. Khamgiin gyarkhai kharts zürkhend baidag yum shüü. Khamgiin chukhal züiliig nüdeer kharj chadakhgüi.
'The secret I want to tell you is very simple. The sharpest eyesight is in the heart. The most important things can't be seen with the eyes.'
5 Gegee 2018 Би нууцаа хэлье. Их энгийн. Хүн сэтгэл зүрхээрээ л тод хардаг юм. Хамгийн чухал зүйлс нүдэнд харагддаггүй.
Bi nuutsaa helye. Ikh engiin. Khün setgel zürkheeree l tod khardag yum. Khamgiln chukhal züils nüdend kharagdaggüi.
'I'll tell you my secret. It's very simple. A person can only see clearly with the heart. The most important things can't be seen with the eyes.'
6 Elbeg 2018 Амин чухал зүйлийг зөвхөн зүрх сэтгэлээрээ ажиж яваарай, мөн чанар хэзээ ямагт нүдэнд харагддаггүй юм шүү! Миний ухаарал бол ердөөл ийм.
Amin chukhal züiliig zövkhön zürkh setgeleeree ajij yavaarai, mön chanar khezee yamagt nüdend kharagddaggüi yum shüü! Minii ukhaaral bol yördöö l iim.
'Observe vital things only with the heart; the essence can never be seen with the eyes. My understanding is generally this.'
1 V. B. Namsaraev 1979 Mинии шамда хэлэхэ нюса иимэ юрьн лэ юумэн: зүрхэ сэдьгэлэй hонор хурса, сэсэ мэргэн мэдэрэлhээ бэшч үлүү тиимэ юумэн байхгүй. Зүнтэ сэдьхэл! … Ямарханшье хурса харасага нюдэтэй бай, зүгөөр эгээл шухала юумэ харахагүйш.  

Buryat version courtesy of Jean-Marc Probst.

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