
Numerology and Grammatica

Simplified Chinese (Mandarin: China)
Shùzì-xué hé yǔfǎ-xué

Shùzì-zhànbǔ yǔ túxíng
数字学 shùzì-xué = 'numeral + -ology'.
= 'and'.
语法学 yǔfǎ-xué = 'grammar + ology'.

数字占卜 shùzì-zhànbǔ = 'numeral + divining'.
= 'and' (written).
图形 túxíng = 'diagrams, pictures'.
Numerology and Grammar-ology

Numeral Divining and Diagrams
Traditional Chinese (Mandarin: Taiwan)
Mìnglǐ yǔ cèzì
命理 mìnglǐ = 'principle of fate'.
= 'and' (written).
測字 cèzì = 'fortune-telling by analysing the parts of Chinese characters (glyphomancy)'.
Principles of Fate and Glyphomancy
Sūmitsu-gaku to bunpō-gaku
数秘学 sūmitsu-gaku = 'number-secret-ology'.
to = 'and'.
文法学 bunpō-gaku = 'grammar-ology'.
Secret-numerology and Grammar-ology
Vietnamese (Chinese characters show etymology)
Thuật Số Và Ngữ Pháp

Lượng Số Học Và Ngữ Pháp
thuật số (術數) = 'art/technique of numbers' = divination'.
= 'and'.
ngữ pháp (語法) = 'grammar'.

lượng số học (量數學) = 'study of quantities'.
Divination and Grammar

Study of Quantities and Grammar

Subjects of Western Magic

Rowling appears to have put these two subjects in the same title because one refers to 'numbers' and the other to 'words and language'. In fact, they relate to totally different things.

Numerology purports to divine a person's fate from numbers — for instance, by using the date of a person's birthday to foretell their future.

Grammatica is nothing more than the study of grammar, although to the ancients it was an essential subject of higher learning.

Numerology - Grammatica

Category: Divination

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