
The Dark Arts Outsmarted

Simplified Chinese (Mandarin: China)
Zhì-shèng hei-mó-fà
智胜 zhì-shèng = 'wisdom-defeat' = 'to outwit'.
hēi = 'black'
魔法 mó-fà = 'magic'
Outwitting black magic
Traditional Chinese (Mandarin: Taiwan)
Zhì-shèng hei-mó-fà
智勝zhì-shèng = 'wisdom-defeat' = 'to outwit'.
hēi = 'black'.
魔法 mó-fà = 'magic'.
Outwitting black magic
Yami no majutsu no ura o kaku
yami = 'darkness, shadow'.
no = connecting particle
魔術 majutsu = 'magic'.
no = connecting particle
ura = 'rear'.
裏をかく ura o kaku = 'to go around the rear' = 'to outwit, thwart someone's plans'.
Outwitting dark magic
Vietnamese (Chinese characters show etymology)
Cao Tay Ấn Hơn Nghệ Thuật Hắc Ám cao tay hơn = 'to gain the upper hand over'.
tay ấn = 'to perform charms'.
nghệ thuật (藝術) = 'arts'.
hắc ám (黑暗) = 'dark'.
Charms to gain the upper hand over the dark arts

Interestingly, the English is in the passive voice, suggesting a story of outsmarting the dark arts. The translations all use an active, suggesting that they are about how to outsmart the dark arts.

Both Mainland and Taiwanese translators come to the same Chinese title using 智勝 / 智胜 zhì-shèng, meaning 'wisdom-defeat' or 'to outwit'.

The Japanese translator also uses an idiomatic Japanese expression meaning 'to outwit'.

In the Vietnamese title, cao tay hơn means 'to gain the upper hand over...'. The expression tay ấn means 'to perform charms'. Together, the expression means 'Using charms to gain the upper hand over...'.

Category: Dark Arts

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