Harry Potter in Chinese, Japanese & Vietnamese Translation


Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone


All the original English quotations have been taken from British version, Bloomsbury 2000, ISBN 0 7475 3274 5. All the Chinese quotations have been taken from the Chinese People's Literature Publishing House (hereafter referred to as LPH) version, September 2000, ISBN 7-02-003343-1.

The format of this essay is:

O: quotation of the original with page number;
T: quotation of the corresponding translation with page number, followed by English re-translation or an explanation;
C: comment;
FC: further comment if necessary.


Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone: Chapters




Chapter 1


    O 8: Mr Dursley always sat with his back to the window in his office on the ninth floor.

    T 2: 德思礼先生在他九楼的办公室里,总是习惯背窗而坐。 Mr Dursley was used to sitting with his back to the window in his office on the ninth floor.

    C: [In British English, the ninth floor is actually the tenth in Chinese]


    O 9: Dundee

    T4: {脚注} (……丹地是英格兰北部海港。) {footnote} (Dundee is a coastal city in Northern England)

    C: [LPH mixed up England and the UK]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


Chapter 2


    O 20: Harry was used to spiders, because the cupboard under the stairs were full of them,

    T 12: 哈利对蜘蛛早就习惯了,因为楼梯下边的碗柜里到处都是蜘蛛, Harry had long been used to spiders, because the bowl cabinet under the stairs was full of them,

    C: [Apparently a cupboard here is the small chamber built beneath the staircase for the purpose of storing things]

    FC: {It is amazing that LPH has never wondered how a bed could be set inside a cabinet for bowls. It is a long-sustained mistake, even to HBP Chapter 4}


    O 26: Harry could have sworn a low, hissing said, 'Brazil, here I come……'

    T 17: 哈利清清楚楚地听到一个咝咝的声音轻轻地说: “我是从巴西来到这里的……” Harry could have sworn a low, hissing said, 'I am from Brazil……'

    C: ['Brazil, here I come': clearly the snake was born in the zoo and never had been to Brazil, now it was going to Brazil]

    FC: {Countless readers have been confused by this translation}


Chapter 3


    O 28: ……the local comprehensive……

    T 19: 综合制中学(以下脚注: ) 五年制中学,学生11岁入学,课程包括普通与职校学科。 ……comprehensive high school…… (Footnote) Five-year high school, where students start at 11, courses including ordinary education and trade education.

    C: [This footnote is correct only in 'students start at 11'. A local comprehensive means 'a local public high school'; which could be either 5 years (11 - 16) or 7 years (11 - 18). At a comprehensive high school students only learn ordinary courses; trade courses are taught at 'Further Education Colleges' ]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 32: That evening when he got back from work, Uncle Vernon did something he'd never done before; he visited Harry in his cupboard. "Where's my letter?" said Harry, the moment Uncle Vernon had squeezed through the door.

    T 22: 当天傍晚,弗农姨父下班回家,做了一件从来没有做过的事,他竟然到碗柜前来看望哈利了。 '我的信呢?'弗农姨父一挤进门,哈利就问,That evening when he got back from work, Uncle Vernon did something he'd never done before; he visited Harry in front of his bowl cabinet. "Where's my letter?" said Harry, the moment Uncle Vernon had squeezed through the door.

    C: [Perhaps LPH themselves noticed that a 'cabinet for bowls' is far too small for a fat Vernon to get in, therefore they added an 'in front' there; why, then, did he need to 'squeeze through the door'?]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


Chapter 4


    O 42: (Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

    T 31: (国际魔法联合会会长、巫师协会会长、梅林爵士团一级魔法师) (Supreme Mugwump, International Magic Confed. GrandSorc., Chf. Warlock, Merlin Sirs' League, First Rank Wizard)

    C: [Don't know why LPH would change the order of the original; 'Chief Warlock' was translated in HBP in a different and better way; 'International Confed. of Wizards mistranslated; Order of Merlin, First Class' mistranslated]


    O 45: "Gallopin' gargoyles, Harry, people are still scared.”

    T 33: '对那些狂奔的戈尔工们,哈利,人们现在还心有余悸。……' 'People are, Harry, still scared of those gallopin' gargoyles.'

    C: ['Galloping Gargoyles' is, as LPH translated at page 32, 'My god' or something like that, but here it is translated as Lord Voltemort and the Death Eaters]

    FC: {LPH forgot what they had translated one page back. Actually a gargoyle is kind of stone or metal sculpture for water to pass through, like that outside the Headmaster's office, which should not be translated according to the pronunciation, 戈尔工}


    O 45: Head boy an' girl at Hogwarts in their day!

    T 33: 他们当年在霍格沃兹还分别担任男女学生会的主席呢!They were even the Chairman and Chairwoman of the Student Union at Hogwarts!

    C: ['Head boy and girl' mistranslated]

    FC {There was no Student Union at Hogwarts, therefore no way they could be the chairman and chairwoman of the union. Head boy and girl are the male and female leaders of prefects]


Chapter 5


    O 51: "Seems a shame ter row, though," said Hagrid,

    T 39: '划船好像有点丢脸,不过,'海格说着,…… 'I'll lose face to row, though,' said Hagrid,

    C: ['Seems a shame' to row mistranslated]

    FC {Misleading readers}


    O 55: He was fine while he was studyin' outta books but then he took a year off ter get some firsthand experience....

    T 43: 上学的时候书也读得很好。可后来他休了一年学,为了要获得一些第一手的实践经验…… He was fine while he was studying at school, but then he took a year off from school learning to get some firsthand experience....

    C: [The whole sentence mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers: Quirrell should have taken one year off from work}


    O 58: They plunged even deeper, passing an underground lake where huge stalactites and stalagmites grew from the ceiling and floor.

    T 45: 他们已经冲到地底下更深的地方,经过一片地下湖,上面挂满了巨大的钟乳石和石笋,一直垂到地上。 They plunged even deeper, passing an underground lake where huge stalactites and stalagmites grew down from the ceiling, reaching the floor.

    C: ['stalactites and stalagmites grew from the ceiling and floor' mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH are lacking in common knowledge. They don't know how stalactites and stalagmites were formed. Misleading readers}


    O 61: "Yer not from a Muggle family. If he'd known who yeh were -- he's grown up knowin' yer name if his parents are wizardin' folk. You saw what everyone in the Leaky Cauldron was like when they saw yeh.”

    T48: '你又不是麻瓜家庭出来的。如果他父母是男女巫师 —— 你在破釜酒吧就已经看到了 —— 那么他就是听着你的名字长大的。……' 'You are not from a Muggle's family. If his parents are wizard and witch - you have seen it in the Leaky Cauldron - then he has grown up listening to your name.'

    C: ['If he'd known who you were' omitted; 'what everyone in the Leaky Cauldron was like when they saw you' mostly omitted; the whole structure of the sentences broken]

    FC: {Confusing readers}


    O 62: Harry himself examined silver unicorn horns at twenty-one Galleons each ……

    T49: 哈利正在细看一个用独角野牛角制成的号角,每个价值二十一加隆…… Harry himself was carefully examining a bugle made from single-horn wild ox, which cost twenty-one Galleon each……

    C: ['Silver' omitted; 'Unicorn' mistranslated; 'Horns' mistranslated as singular; 'bugles' should be in a music shop, how could they be in a drugstore?]

    FC: {Far from the original, confusing readers.}


    O 64: Try this one. Beechwood and dragon heartstring.

    T51: 试试这一根。山毛榉和蛇神经做的。 Try this one. Beechwood and snake nerve.

    C: ['Dragon' mistranslated; 'heartstring' mistranslated]

    FC: {How could dragon be translated as snake? Misleading readers}


    O 66: Harry didn't speak at all as they walked down the road; he didn't even notice how much people were gawking at them on the Underground, laden as they were with all their funny-shaped packages, with the snowy owl asleep in its cage on Harry's lap.

    T52: 一路上,哈利一言不发,在地铁上他甚至没有留意他们提着的大大小小、奇形怪状的包裹。他怀里还抱着一只熟睡的雪枭,这招来了不少好奇的目光。 Harry didn't speak at all as they walked down the road; he didn't even notice their funny-shaped package on the Underground. On his lap there was a snowy owl asleep, this roused many people's gawking at them.

    C: [This part was translated into a mess]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


Chapter 6


    O 72: "Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it," said the other twin.

    "Once --"

    "Or twice --"

    "A minute --"

    "All summer --"

    T58: '慢着,我记得他说过,'孪生兄弟中的另一个说,


    '说不定是两次 —— '


    '说了整整一个夏天呢——' "Hang on, I think I remember him saying something about it," said the other twin.

    "He said once --"

    "Or twice --"

    "Wait a minute --"

    "He said for the whole summer --"

    C: [LPH failed to deliver the correct information: once or twice a minute all summer.]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 79 Harry looked at Ron and was relieved to see by his stunned face that he hadn't learnt all the set books off by heart either.

    T Omitted

    C: [Harry looked at Ron and was relieved to see by his stunned face that he hadn't learnt all the set books off by heart either. A whole paragraph omitted]

    FC: {Disastrous omission. This paragraph serves as the basic tone for the trio in academic studying.)


    O 82 '……Said they'd been bewitched. '

    T66 '说他们走火入魔了。' 'They said they had a serious accident when they were trying to improve their powers.'

    C: ['走火入魔'in Chinese means serious accidents happened to people (either monks or Taoists or martial artists) who lose control when they are cultivating themselves so as to improve their understanding of their religion or their ability at martial arts. Using this wording for 'bewitched' is apparently a mistranslation, and one has to think hard to find the counterpart of走火入魔 in English]

    FC: {Confusing readers}


    O 84 “Trevor!" cried Neville blissfully, holding out his hands.

    T 68 '感谢上帝!' 纳威伸出双臂欣喜若狂地喊道。 “Thank God!” cried Neville blissfully, holding out his hands.

    C: [Trevor is the name of Neville's pet, how on earth did it become 'Thank God'?]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


Chapter 7


    O 86 …Fred said it hurts a lot, but I think he was joking."

    T70 '弗雷德说对我们的伤害很大,但我想他是在开玩笑。' 'Fred said it will be very harmful to us, but I think he was joking.'

    C ['It hurts a lot' mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 87 It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the rest of the students were sitting.

    T71 学院其他班级的同学都已坐在四张桌子旁,桌子上方成千上万只飘荡在空中的蜡烛照亮餐桌。 It was lit by thousands and thousands of candles that were floating in midair over four long tables, where the students of the rest of the classes of the House were sitting.

    C: ['of the rest of the classes of the House' was added by LPH themselves; and it is a sad mistake, as the rest of the students were from the whole school, not for any one single House. 'The rest of the classes' is also a mistranslation, as there were no classes if the students were not in a lesson, at such times they were largely with the other students of their House]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 95 And learn until our brains all rot.

    T78 我们将努力学习,直到化为粪土。 We shall learn hard, till we become dung and soil.

    C ['brains' omitted, 'rot' translated wrongly and vulgarly]

    FC: {Misleading readers)


    O 96 A bundle of walking sticks was floating in midair ahead of them, and as Percy took a step toward them they started throwing themselves at him.

    T78 在他们前面,一捆手杖在半空中飘荡,帕西距后边的人仅一步之遥,于是后面的人都纷纷朝他扑倒下去。 A bundle of walking sticks was floating in midair ahead of them, and as Percy was only a step ahead of the crowd behind him, the crowd pushed forward down to him.

    C: [An incredible total mistranslation! LPH did not understand the whole sentence at all, but this is not a difficult sentence in any sense]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers)


    O 96: "Peeves," Percy whispered to the first years. "A poltergeist."

    T78: '是皮皮鬼,'帕西小声对一年级新生说, '一个专门喜欢恶作剧的幽灵。' “It's Peeves,” Percy whispered to the first years. "A ghost doing nothing but pranks”

    C: [Peeves was different from Nearly Headless Nick or Bloody Baron. He had no pre-death experience, therefore was not a ghost]

    FC {Misleading readers}


    O 96: "Password?" she said. "Caput Draconis," said Percy,

    T79: '口令?'她说。 '龙渣。'帕西说,…… "Password?" she said. "Dragon dregs," said Percy,

    C: ["Caput Draconis" is 'dragon head' in Latin]

    FC {LPH did not understand the meaning, but used something wrong to mislead readers}


Chapter 8


    O 100: By the end of the lesson, only Hermione Granger had made any difference to her match; Professor McGonagall showed the class how it had gone all silver and pointy and gave Hermione a rare smile.

    T82: 到下课的时候,只有赫敏·格兰杰让她的火柴起了些变化; 麦格教授让全班看火柴怎么变成针的,而且一头还很尖,又向赫敏露出了难得的微笑。 By the end of the lesson, only Hermione Granger had made any difference to her match; Professor McGonagall showed the class how to make the match to a needle with one end very sharp, and gave Hermione a rare smile.

    C: [McGonagall did not show the class how to change the match again, she only showed the class the match used by Hermione. Silver omitted]

    FC: {LPH did not understand the usage of pluperfect. Misleading readers}


Chapter 9


    O 113: "Wood's captain of the Gryffindor team," Professor McGonagall explained.

    T: Omitted, no page

    C: [A whole paragraph omitted]

    FC: {Causes a break in the story}


    O 117: Horror-struck, Harry waved madly at the other three to follow him as quickly as possible;

    T 96: 哈利吓坏了,疯狂地朝另外三个人挥着魔杖,叫他们尽快地跟着他; Horror-struck, Harry waved his wand madly at the other three, letting them follow him as quickly as possible;

    C: [Harry didn't wave his wand at fellow-students of his own house. 魔杖 was added by LPH themselves]

    FC: {Damaging Harry's image and character}


    O 118: they ripped through a tapestry and found themselves in a hidden passageway, hurtled along it and came out near their Charms classroom, which they knew was miles from the trophy room.

    T96: 最后他们在上魔术课的教室附近出来了,他们知道,这里离奖品陈列室有好几英里呢。 They finally came out near their Magic Tricks classroom, which they knew was several miles from the trophy room.

    C: ['they ripped through a tapestry and found themselves in a hidden passageway' omitted; 'Charms' mistranslated; (in Chinese 魔术 means conjurer's tricks, which, of course, are miles and miles away from the Magic or Charms talked in these books) 'Miles away' mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


Chapter 10


    O 123: At either end of the field were three golden poles with hoops on the end.

    T 101: 球场两端各有三根金制的秆子,顶上带着圆环。 At either end of the field were three poles made of gold with hoops on the end.

    C: [Did LPH really seriously think the poles were gold?]

    FC: {Misleading readers)


    O 125: Compared with the Quaffle and the Bludgers, it was tiny, about the size of a large walnut.

    T 102 - 103: 这只球与鬼飞球和游走球相比,显得很小,约摸只有一只大榛子那么大。Compared with the Quaffle and the Bludgers, it was tiny, about the size of a large hazelnut.

    C: [LPH changed walnut to hazelnut, the size difference is striking]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 129: Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite grey, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small bald head perched on top like a coconut.

    T 106: 它有十二英尺高,皮肤暗淡无光,象花岗岩一般灰乎乎的,庞大的身体象一堆巨大的泥砾,上面顶着一个可可豆一般的小脑袋。 Twelve feet tall, its skin was a dull, granite grey, its great lumpy body like a boulder with its small head perched on top like a cocoa bean.

    C: ['bald' omitted; 'coconut' mistranslated]

    FC: {The size difference between 'coconut' and 'cocoa bean' is vast. Misleading/confusing readers)]


Chapter 11


    O133: Referees had been known to vanish and turn up months later in the Sahara Desert.

    T 111: 但据说裁判经常消失得无影无踪,几个月后才出现在撒哈拉沙漠。 There were stories about referees' frequent vanishing and turning up months later in the Sahara Desert.

    C: [It was not merely a tale, it was from historic record; it was not frequent, it would have been only once]

    FC: {Misleading readers)


    O 137: ……come on, now, Angelina -

    T 114: ——来吧,好,安吉利娜—— - Come here, good, Angelina -

    C: ['come on' mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH needs to know more about the words in sports comments. Misleading readers)


    O 139: "Slytherin in possession -- Flint with the Quaffle -- passes Spinnet -- passes Bell -

    T 116: '斯莱特林队得球 —— 弗林特拿到鬼飞球 —— 传给艾丽娅 —— 传给贝尔 —— ' "Slytherin get the ball -- Flint with the Quaffle - the ball is passed to Spinnet - the ball is passed to Bell -

    C: ['In possession' improperly translated; 'passes' mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers)


Chapter 12


    O 147 - 148 ……a large box of Chocolate Frogs from Hermione.

    T 123 是赫敏送的一大盒马蹄形巧克力。…a large box of U-shaped chocolate from Hermione.

    C: ['Chocolate Frogs' mistranslated]

    FC: {It's a proper name. LPH used to translate correctly. Misleading readers)


    O 152 There was an inscription carved around the top: Erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi.

    T 127 顶部刻着一行字: 厄里斯 斯特拉 厄赫鲁 阿伊特乌比 卡弗鲁 阿伊特昂 沃赫斯 {人文社脚注: 这行字是厄里斯魔镜上的??}

    C: [LPH here made a terrible mistake. They did not give the hint from the original: I show not your face, but your heart's desire, if a reader reads it in reverse. The LPH just give the pronunciation. Also they gave a footnote, saying this is the incantation on the mirror, still failing to give readers any hint]

    FC: {This was the direct hint from the original, with a very simple coding. Unfortunately LPH did not understand it at all; furthermore they gave a wrong footnote to mislead readers even more}


Chapter 13


    O 158: If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would overtake Slytherin in the house championship for the first time in seven years.

    T 133: 如果他们赢得下一场对赫奇帕奇的比赛,他们就能在学院杯中战胜斯莱特林队了,这可是七年来的第一次啊。 If they won their next match, against Hufflepuff, they would beat Slytherin in the house championship for the first time in seven years.

    C: ['overtake' mistranslated]

    FC: {Before the end of the whole competition, you cannot say 'beat'. Misleading readers)


    O 164: Up in the air, Snape turned on his broomstick just in time to see something scarlet shoot past him, missing him by inches - the next second, Harry had pulled out of the dive,

    T 137: 在空中,斯内普刚刚启动飞天扫帚,就看见一个金色的东西 '嗖'地从他耳边飞过,离他只差几寸—— 紧接着,哈利停止了俯冲。 Up in the air, Snape barely switched on his broomstick in time to see something golden shoot past him with a whoosh, missing him by inches - the next second, Harry had pulled out of the dive,

    C: [What did pass near Snape's ear? According to LPH it was the Golden Snitch, as it was something golden; however from the original it was scarlet, so it was apparently Harry in his team gown. Also there was no reason at all to swap 'turned on' to 'switched on', here they meant totally different things]

    FC: {Misleading readers)


Chapter 14


    O 168: "……Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland; From Egg to Inferno, ……"

    T 141: 《大不列颠和爱尔兰的龙的种类》、《从孵蛋到涅磐》…… "……Dragon Species of Great Britain and Ireland; From Egg to Nirvana, ……"

    C: [Egg does not necessarily mean 'hatch', mistranslated; 'Inferno' mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers. Especially when dragons are taken as something evil in the western myth, and nirvana is a very positive word, can never be used for dragons in general}


    O 172: "I've decided to call him Norbert," said Hagrid, looking at the dragon with misty eyes. "He really knows me now, watch. Norbert! Norbert! Where's Mummy?"

    "He's lost his marbles," Ron muttered in Harry's ear.

    T 145: '我决定叫它诺伯,'海格用泪水模糊的眼睛看着小龙,说, '它现在真的认识我了,你们看着。诺伯!诺伯!妈妈在哪里?'"I've decided to call him Norbert," said Hagrid, looking at the dragon with misty eyes. "He really knows me now, watch. Norbert! Norbert! Where's Mummy?"

    C: ["He's lost his marbles," Ron muttered in Harry's ear. Totally omitted]

    FC: {Important information lost: the trio never saw eye to eye with Hagrid in terms of large magic animals, this sentence is a heavy point}


    O 173: I think the best thing will be to send him over with some friends of mine who are coming to visit me next week.

    T 145: 我认为最好的办法是先把它送到我的几个朋友那里,他们下个星期要来看我。 I think the best method is to send it to where a few friends of mine live, who are coming to visit me next week.

    C: [Whole sentence mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 176: As they stepped into the corridor, Filch's face loomed suddenly out of the darkness.

    'Well, well, well,' he whispered, 'we are in trouble.'

    T 148: 他们一跨进走廊,费尔奇的脸就突然从黑暗里显现出来。

    '糟了,糟了,糟了,'哈利低声说, '我们有麻烦了。'

    As they stepped into the corridor, Filch's face loomed suddenly out of the darkness.

    'Well, well, well,' Harry whispered, 'we are in trouble.'

    C: [Who does this 'he' mean?From the original clearly it was Filch, and this fits with Filch's hating students, wanting them to get into trouble. LPH has failed to understand this special use of the pronoun 'we'.]

    FC: {Damaging Filch's image and character}


Chapter 15


    O 183: "Could a werewolf be killing the unicorns?" Harry asked.

    "Not fast enough," said Hagrid. "It's not easy ter catch a unicorn, they're powerful magic creatures. I never knew one ter be hurt before."

    T 154: '会是狼人杀死了独角兽吗?'哈利问。 '不会有那么快,'海格说, '抓住一只独角兽是很不容易的,它们这种动物具有很强的魔法。我以前从没听说过独角兽受到伤害。' "Could a werewolf be killing the unicorns?" Harry asked.

    "It won't be so soon," said Hagrid. "It's not easy ter catch a unicorn, they've got powerful magic ability. I never knew one ter be hurt before."

    C: ['Not fast enough' mistranslated; 'they're powerful magic creatures' mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers)


Chapter 16


    O 204: Harry, Ron and Hermione shivered slightly -- the towering white chessmen had no faces.

    T 173: 哈利、罗恩和赫敏吓得浑身发抖 —— 那些高耸的白棋子的脸上都没有五官。 Harry, Ron and Hermione were scared to shiver all over their body -- the towering white chessmen had no faces.

    C: ['shivered slightly' mistranslated]

    FC: {Damaging characters' image)


Chapter 17


    O 210: Trust Dumbledore to come up with something like this… but he's in London… I'll be far away by the time he gets back…

    T 179: “只有邓布利多才拿得出这样的东西…… 不过他此刻在伦敦呢……等他回来的时候,我早就远走高飞了…… 'Only Dumbledore could make this kind of things…but he's in London… I'll be far away by the time he gets back…'

    C: ['Come up with' mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH misunderstood the first sentence. Misleading readers}


    O 214 What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, so, naturally, the whole school knows.

    T 183 “你和奇洛教授在 地牢里发生的一切,是一个完完全全的秘密,而秘密总是不胫而走,所以,全校师生自然是全都知道了。” What happened down in the dungeons between you and Professor Quirrell is a complete secret, but secrets are always going around without our knowing it. So, naturally, the whole school knows all of it.

    C: [LPH misunderstood the meaning of the whole sentence, so they mistranslated it]

    FC: {Misleading readers in a very serious way}


    O 215 You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. As much as money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the problem is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things which are worst for them.

    T 184: 魔法石其实并不是多么美妙的东西 。有了它,不论你想拥有多少财富、获得多长寿命,都可以如愿以偿!这两件东西是人类最想要的——问题是,人类偏偏就喜欢选择对他们最没有好处的东西。 You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. Once you got that, you could have as much money and as long a life as you want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the problem is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things which are worst for them.

    C: [Here Dumbledore compared the Stone with money and long life, taking the view that all these were not very precious. This is a very good explanation of the fact in Book 6 that he sacrificed his own life for the sacred cause. However, unfortunately, LPH misunderstood the meaning of this sentence]

    FC: {This is a sentence Ron took as 'very mad' from Dumbledore, full of life philosophy. The pity is, LPH totally failed to deliver it to readers. Disastrous misleading. Also it is an important hint to Dumbledore's death in Book 6: many people, from this, take the opinion that he was willing to die}


    O 216: He left Quirrell to die.

    T 184: 他当时只顾自己溜走,完全不顾奇洛的死活; He then thought nothing but his own escape, caring not a little bit if Quirrell would die or not;

    C: [LPH failed to tell readers, as in the original, that Quirrell actually died]

    FC: {Confusing readers}


    O 218: Looking quite impressed at how mad his hero was.

    T 187: 他心目中的英雄变得这样不可理喻,他感到非常震惊。He was very much shocked to see his hero of his heart was so unreasonable.

    C: ['mad' mistranslated; 'impressed' mistranslated. In the original the sentence was to praise Dumbledore, but LPH translated it as negative remarks]


    O 221: Ron went purple in the face; he looked like a radish with bad sunburn.

    T 189: 罗恩的脸一下子涨得通红,那样子活像一个被太阳晒干的红萝卜。Ron went purple in the face; he looked like a red turnip dried by the sun.

    C: ['bad sunburn' mistranslated; 'radish' mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH failed to tell readers that Ron's freckles looked like bad sunburn on his very reddened face. Misleading readers}


    O 221: Gryffindors up and down the table were beside themselves -

    T 189: 他们周围格兰芬多的同学们都欣喜若狂,在餐桌旁跳上跳下。All the Gryffindors around them are extremely happy, jumping up and down beside the dining table.

    C: ['beside themselves' mistranslated; 'up and down the table' mistranslated]

    FC: {Very childish translation without understanding the meaning of the original. Misleading readers}


    O 221: They had drawn for the House Cup -

    T 189: 他们已经直逼学院杯冠军—— They were pressing on the House Cup Champions.

    C: ['draw' mistranslated, so that the whole sentence is wrong]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 223: See you over the summer, then.

    T 191: 那就过完暑假再见吧。 Then let's see each other after the summer.

    C: ['over' mistranslated]

    FC: {They just made a promise to meet at Ron's, why do LPH forget it so fast? Misleading readers}

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