
Break With A Banshee

Simplified Chinese (Mandarin: China)
Yǔ nǚguǐ juéliè
= 'with'.
女鬼 nǚguǐ = 'woman-demon'.
决裂 juéliè = 'break-up'.
Break-up with a Woman-Demon
Traditional Chinese (Mandarin: Taiwan)
Yǔ bàosàng nǚyāo gòngxiǎng xiūxián shíguāng
= 'with'.
報喪 bàosàng = 'predict-death'.
女妖 nǚyāo = 'female ghost, demon'.
共享 gòngxiǎng = 'share'.
休閒 xiūxián = 'leisure'.
時光 shíguāng = 'time'.
Sharing Leisure Time with a Death-Foretelling Female Ghost
Naki-yōkai banshii to no nau na kyūjitsu
泣き妖怪 naki-yōkai = 'crying ghost, apparition'.
バンシーと banshii to = Banshee (English) + 'with' = 'with a banshee'.
no = connecting particle
ナウな nau na = 'trendy' (from English now + 'na' adjective ending).
休日 kyūjitsu = 'holiday, day off'.
A Trendy Day Off with a Banshee Crying Ghost
Vietnamese (Chinese characters show etymology)
Giải lao với nữ báo tử

Đoạn Tuyệt Nữ Thần Báo Tử
giải lao (解勞) = 'rest, interruption, break'.
với ='with'.
nữ () = 'female'.
báo () = 'to foretell'.
tử () = 'death'.

đoạn tuyệt (斷絕) = 'break up'.
nữ thần (女神) = 'goddess'.
báo () = 'to foretell'.
tử () = 'death'.
A Rest with a Death Foretelling Woman

Breaking off (with) a Death Foretelling Goddess
Mongolian (previous)
Шимнустай эвдрэлцсэн нь
Shimnustai evderltssen n'
шимнус shimnus = 'demon, evil spirit' (Comitative form 'with').
эвдрэх evdrekh = 'to break, break up with'.
(Past tense, -лц- -lts- indicates mutual action).
нь n' = particle here used to mean 'about'.
About having (Mutually) Broken Up with an Evil Spirit
Mongolian (new)
Хий үзэгдлийг барсан нь
Khii üzegdliig barsan n'
хий үзэгдэл khii üzegdel = 'hallucination' (Accusative case).
(хий khii related to Chinese )
барах barakh = 'finish'.
нь n' = 'about' (makes the preceding sentence into a noun)
About the Hallucination Having Finished

The books in the Gilderoy Lockhart Series follow a simple but humorous pattern in English.

All describe spending time with a particular kind of unsavoury creature.

All are expressed in the form 'X with Y'.

In each case there is alliteration between X and Y (Break with a Banshee, Gadding with Ghouls, Holidays with Hags, etc.).

The interesting points in any translation are:


The banshee is a wailing ghost of Irish legend that appears shortly before someone's death. It is not a part of traditional Oriental folklore. The translations use quite different methods of translating this word.

Break with a...:

'Break' could have at least two interpretations in English. One is the concept of 'breaking up' with someone you have been on good terms with. The other is spending time relaxing (as in a 'coffee break' or 'holiday break'). It is not possible to say definitively which is meant, although in keeping with the other titles it is more likely to refer to a period of time than a severance of ties.

Translators go two ways on this one. Several translations choose the sense of spending free time with:

Other translators choose the sense of breaking up:


The title is treated grammatically as:

(1) A full sentence, with verb:

(2) Verb is converted into a noun, as in English:


Only the Japanese translator tries to reproduce the alliteration. This is done by alliterating the name of the demon (naki-yookai) and an adjective used to describe the time spent with it (nau na). The term ナウな nau na was a trendy term in Japan some years ago, derived from the English word 'now'.

Gadding With Ghouls Holidays With Hags Travels With Trolls
Wandering With Werewolves Voyages With Vampires Year With The Yeti

Category: Adventure

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