
Madcap Magic for Wacky Warlocks

Simplified Chinese (Mandarin: China)
Guài nánwū de fēngkuáng mófǎ
guài = 'strange, weird'
男巫 nánwū = 'male wizard'
de = connecting particle
疯狂 fēngkuáng = 'crazy'.
魔法 mófǎ = 'magic'.
Crazy magic of weird wizards
Traditional Chinese (Mandarin: Taiwan)
Guài mófǎ-shī de kuáng mófǎ
guài = 'strange, weird'
魔法師 mófǎ-shī 'wizard'.
de = connecting particle
kuáng 'crazy'.
魔法 mófǎ = 'magic'.
Crazy magic of weird wizards
Toppi na mahō-senshi no tame no toppi na mahō
突飛な toppi na = 'wild, fantastic, reckless, eccentric'.
魔法 mahō = 'magic'.
戦士 senshi = 'warrior'.
no = connecting particle
ため tame = 'benefit, sake'.
no = connecting particle
突飛な toppi na = 'wild, fantastic, reckless, eccentric'.
魔法 mahō = 'magic'.
Eccentric magic for eccentric magic warriors
Vietnamese (Chinese characters show etymology)
Pháp Thuật Tùy Hứng Dành Cho Pháp Sư Lập Dị pháp thuật (法術) = 'magic'.
tùy hứng (隨興) = 'following inspiration, individualistic'.
dành cho = 'especially for'.
pháp sư (法師) = 'magician, sorceror'.
lập dị (立異) = 'original, unique; odd, queer, eccentric'.
Inspired magic for eccentric magicians
Mongolian (new)
Галзуу шидтэний төрхгүй шид
Galzuu shidtenii törkhgüi shid
  Mischievous Magic for Mad Wizards

The English features two sets of alliteration: Madcap magic and Wacky warlocks. Needless to say, these are not reproduced in the translations.

The most interesting feature of the translations is the translation of 'madcap' and 'wacky'. Apart from the two Chinese translations, the vocabulary differs from language to language.

The Japanese translator translates 'warlock' as 魔法戦士 mahō senshi meaning 'magic warrior'. This appears to be based on the notion that there is a 'war' in 'warlock'. Etymologically this is incorrect. The 'war' in 'warlock' has nothing to do with war; it is from an Anglo-Saxon word meaning 'oath'.

Category: Spells and Charms (Popular)

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