Harry Potter in Chinese, Japanese & Vietnamese Translation


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

All the original English quotations have been taken from British version, Bloomsbury 2000 ISBN 0 7475 4624 X. All the Chinese quotations have been taken from the Chinese People’s Literature Publishing House (hereafter referred to as LPH) version, June 2001, ISBN 7-02-003464-2.

The format of this essay is:

O: quotation of the original with page number;
T: quotation of the corresponding translation with page number, followed by English re-translation or an explanation;
C: comment;
FC: further comment if necessary.


Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix: Chapters





Chapter 1


    O 17: 'Yeah? Did he say you look like a pig that's been taught to walk on its hind legs? 'Cause that's not cheek, Dud, that's true.'

    T 9: ‘是吗?他是不是说你像一头用两条腿走路的猪?嘿,那可不是侮辱,达达,那是事实呀。’  (‘Yeah? Did he say you like a pig walking on two legs? That’s not cheek, Dud, that’s true.’)

    C: [look omitted;that’s been taught omitted;hind omitted;'Cause omitted]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence}


    O 19: ' "Don't kill Cedric! Don't kill Cedric!" Who's Cedric - your boyfriend?'

    T 10: ‘“别杀塞德里克!别杀塞德里克!”谁是塞德里克 ——你的朋友吗?’  (‘“Don’t kill Cedric! Don’t kill Cedric!” Who's Cedric - your friend?’)

    C: [Boyfirend mistranslated]

    FC: {Lost plot. Failed to tell readers why Harry was so angry with his cousin}


Chapter 2


    O 26: '- they're going to be more worried about what Dementors were doing floating around Wisteria Walk, surely?'

    T: 16‘——他们肯定更关心为什么摄魂怪总是在紫藤路飘来飘去,是不是?’  (‘——they're going to be more worried about what Dementors were doing always floating around Wisteria Walk, surely?’)

    C: [Dementors were floating around Wisteria Walk only once, not ‘always’]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 27: 'Keep your 'airnet on!' said Mundungus, his arms over his head, cowering. 'I'm going, I'm going!'

    T 16: ‘把你的发网戴好了!’蒙顿格斯用胳膊护住脑袋,往后退缩着说:‘我这就去,我这就去!’  (In the translation LPH gave only the literal meaning of ‘Keep your ‘airnet on’, without knowing its real meaning)

    C: [Keep your 'airnet on mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers }


    O 27: '……but the cat's among the pixies now.'

    T 17: ‘……不过那只猫现在已经到了小精灵那儿了。’  (In the translation LPH gave only the literal meaning of ‘the cat's among the pixies’, without knowing its real meaning)

    C: [but the cat's among the pixies now mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers }


    O 31: ……how much power did Dumbledore have to override the Ministry of Magic?

    T 20: 邓布利多能有多大能耐,能够凌驾于魔法部之上?  (How on earth could Dumbledore have such means to be able to bully the Ministry for Magic?)

    C: [LPH made their translation as if Harry was jeering at the Headmaster]

    FC: {Misleading readers about the relationship between Harry and Dumbledore, marring Harry’s image}


    O 36: With a clattering, a whirring of wings and a soft fall of dust, a fourth owl came shooting out of the kitchen fireplace.

    T 24: 随着一阵撞击声、翅膀的扇动声,以及灰尘轻轻落下的声音,第四只猫头鹰从厨房的壁炉里冲了出来。  (With a lot of clatterings, whirrings of wings and the sounds of a soft fall of dust, a fourth owl came shooting out of the kitchen fireplace.)

    C: [a soft fall of dust mistranslated]

    FC: {Are there sounds for dust to fall softly? misleading readers}


Chapter 3


    O 47: Though still quite young, Lupin looked tired and rather ill;

    T 33: 卢平尽管年纪很轻,但显得十分疲惫,神色憔悴。  (Though still very young, Lupin looked tired and rather ill;)

    C: [still quite young mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers: Lupin was about the same age as Harry’s parents}


    O 48: One eye was small, dark and beady, the other large, round and electric blue -

    T 33: 他的一只眼睛又小又黑,目光明亮,另一只眼睛则又大又圆,闪烁着电光般的蓝色——  (One eye was small, dark and beady, the other large, round and as blue as electric lights -)

    C: [electric blue mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH has a bad habit to translate words as ‘electric blue’, that is, they just give the meaning of ‘electric’ and ‘blue’ in Chinese, and add them together to make up a new word, which, very frequently, does not make sense}


    O 48: Very conscious of everybody still staring at him, Harry descended the stairs, stowing his wand in the back pocket of his jeans as he came.

    T 33: 这么多人直瞪瞪地盯着自己,哈利感到有些紧张。他一边往楼下走,一边把魔杖插进牛仔裤后面的口袋里。  (Feeling very nervous of everybody still staring at him, Harry descended the stairs, stowing his wand in the back pocket of his jeans as he came.)

    C: [LPH has made up feeling very nervous]

    FC: {Making up things}


    O 50: And with a nasty squelching sound much like a plunger being pulled from a sink, he popped out his eye.

    T 35: 随着一阵刺耳的嘎吱嘎吱声,就像从洗涤池里抠出活塞一样,穆迪把那只魔眼掏了出来。  (And with several nasty squelching sounds much like a piston being pulled from a sink, he popped out his eye.)

    C: [only one sound, not several;like a plunger being pulled from a sink mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH did not understand the meaning of the origin, misleading readers}


    O 54: ‘Could’ve done with a bit more cloud cover.’

    T 38: ‘需要来点儿云彩做掩护。’  (‘We need some clouds to cover us.’)

    C: [the whole sentence mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH did not understand the conjunctive. Misleading readers }


Chapter 4


    O60: - you're the door on the right.

    T 43: 你在右边的第二个门。  (- you're the second door on the right.)

    C: [LPH made up ‘the second’]

    FC: {making up things }


    O68: 'We were about to come and join the Order. '

    T 49: ‘我们正准备来加入凤凰社。’  (‘We were about to come and become members of the Order.’)

    C: [Join mistranslated]

    FC: {Confusing/misleading readers}


    O 68: Junior Assistant to the Minister.

    T 49: 部长助理啊。  (Assistant to the Minister.)

    C: [Junior omitted]

    FC: {Percy was not that high rank yet, misleading readers }


    O 70: 'But I'd have seen - '

    T 51: ‘但我没有看见——’  (‘But I didn’t see——’)

    C: [Conjunctive mistranslated]

    FC: {Very seldom did LPH translate conjunctives correcty}


    Chapter 5


    O 82: Mrs Weasley threw a very nasty look at Sirius before getting to her feet and going to fetch a large rhubarb crumble for pudding.

    T 60: 不知为什么,韦斯莱夫人狠狠地白了小天狼星一眼,然后起身拿来一大堆大黄面包屑做甜点。  (For some unknown reason Mrs Weasley threw a very nasty look at Sirius before getting to her feet and going to fetch a large amount of rhubarb and bread crumbs for pudding.)

    C: [rhubarb crumble mistranslated]

    FC: {‘bread crumbs for pudding’?Very funny. Confusing/misleading readers}


    O 82: But he's also very loyal to Dumbledore, who helped him out of a tight spot once.

    T 61: 不过他对邓布利多倒是忠心耿耿,有一次还帮助邓布利多摆脱了困境。   (But he's also very loyal to Dumbledore, and he helped Dumbledore out of a tight spot once.)

    C: [LPH did not understand who helped whom]

    FC: {Confusing/misleading readers, marring the image of Headmaster}


    O 84: 'But as he was the one who saw Voldemort come back'

    T 62: ‘但当时是他看见伏地魔复活的,’  (‘But he then saw Voldemort gain life from death,’)

    C: [Voldemort had never died, he could never gain life from death]

    FC: {Confusing/misleading readers }


    O 86: 'Very well,' said Mrs Weasley, her voice cracking.

    T 63: ‘很好,’韦斯莱夫人说,伤心得声音都哑了,  ('Very well,' said Mrs Weasley sadly, her voice cracking.)

    C: [LPH made up ‘sadly’]

    FC: {LPH has no rights to add their only opinion in translating}


    O 89: 'Well, as everyone thinks I'm a mad mass-murderer and the Ministry's put a ten thousand Galleon price on my head,

    T 66: ‘唉,所有的人都认为我是一个杀人不眨眼的疯子,魔法部悬赏一万加隆取我的人头,……’  (‘Well, as everyone thinks I'm a mad mass-murderer and the Ministry's put a ten thousand Galleon price on my being beheaded……’)

    C: [put a ten thousand Galleon price on my head mistranslated]

    FC: {There is no capital penalty in the UK. In the origin it is not mentioned by anyway that he would be beheaded, misleading readers}


Chapter 6


    O 94: There was a pause and Harry knew that the others, like him, were wondering what horrors this weapon could perpetrate.

    T 71: 一阵沉默,哈利知道其他人像他一样都在猜测这件秘密武器能给人带来怎样长久的恐惧。  (There was a pause and Harry knew that the others, like him, were guessing what lengthy horrors this weapon could bring to people.)

    C: [perpetrate mistranslated]

    FC: {misleading readers }


    O 96: ……'but perhaps we ought to let Mad-Eye have a shifty at it before we let it out - knowing my mother, it could be something much worse.'

    T 72: ‘但或许我们最好还是先让疯眼汉给它变变形再把它放出来——它认识我母亲,可能是个厉害得多的家伙。’  ('but perhaps we ought to let Mad-Eye change it before we let it out – it knows my mother, therefore it could be something much worse.')

    C: [Shifting mistranslated; LPH misunderstood the whole sentence of the origin]

    FC: {misleading readers}


    O 96: 'Hestia's just relieved me, so she's got Moody's Cloak now,. . .'

    T 73: ‘海丝佳刚把我替下,现在她穿上了穆迪的斗篷,……’  ('Hestia's just relieved me, so she's got Moody's cloak now,. . .')

    C: [Apparently Moody’s Cloak was an Invisibility Cloak, but LPH translated it as an ordinary one]

    FC: {Confusing/misleading readers }


    O 100: ……nasty old blood traitor with her brats messing up my mistress's house,

    T 76: 讨厌的老败家子,领着她的小崽子糟蹋我女主人的房子。  (……nasty old spendthrift with her brats messing up my mistress's house,)

    C: [blood traitor mistranslated]

    FC: {‘blood traitor’is a much more serious accusation than ‘spendthrift’, as this involves political betray, while the latter is only about spending too much and spoiling wealths. Misleading readers}


    O 100: 'Kreacher did not see young master,'

    T 76: ‘克利切刚才没有看见年轻的主人。’  (‘Kreacher did not see young master who’s my owner.’)

    C: [young master mistranslated]

    FC: {Kreacher’s current owner was Black, not anyone else. Confusing/misleading readers}


    O 101: 'Don't we all, Kreacher,' said Fred.

    T 76: ‘我们都知道,克利切。’弗雷德说。   (‘We all know that, Kreacher,' said Fred.)

    C: [Don’t mistranslated]

    FC: {Fred and all the others didn’t know how Harry beat Voldemort when he was one year old. Confusing/misleading readers}


    O 104: I was always welcome at Mr and Mrs Potter’s for Sunday lunch, though.'

    T 78: 不过,波特先生和夫人总是欢迎我每个星期六到他们家吃饭。  (I was always welcome at Mr and Mrs Potter’s for a meal every Saturday, though.)

    C: [Every was made up by LHP;Sunday mistranslated;lunch mistranslated]

    FC: {How come?!}


    O 107: 'If my parents could see the use their house was being put to now . . . well, my mothers portrait should give you some idea. '

    T 81: ‘如果我父母看见他们的房子现在派上了这样的用场……唉,我母亲的肖像应该给了你一些印象……’  ('If my parents could see the use their house was being put to now . . . oh,’ he sighed, ‘my mother’s portrait should give you some impression. ')

    C: [LPH failed to tell readers the jeering of Black at his parents, especially the second part of the sentence, where LPH failed to tell readers that Black wanted Harry to imagine what possible reaction his parents would have had if they had known what the Order was using that house for]

    FC: {LPH failed to link the two sentences together, therefore didn’t deliver the full, correct message to readers}


    O 108: ……a heavy locket that none of them could open;

    T 82: 还有一个谁也打不开的纪念品盒。   (……a souvenir box that none of them could open;)

    C: [heavy omitted. Mistranslating ‘locket’ to ‘souvenir box’ won’t be such a serious problem if one of Voldemort’s Horcruxes was not a ‘locket’. Now here, if the translations in the two books fail to match, a seemingly hint or foreshadowing is very possibly lost!]

    FC: {Probable loss of hint/foreshadowing}


Chapter 7


    O 119: ……where at least twenty lifts stood behind wrought golden grilles.

    T 90: 那儿至少有二十部电梯,被精制的金色栅栏门挡着。  (……where at least twenty electric lifts stood behind wrought golden grilles.)

    C: [lifts mistranslated. In wizarding world electiricity was not used in a large scale]

    FC: {LPH was right, later, to translate lifts as ‘moving ladders’. Confusing/misleading readers }


    O 121: ' . . . Just round here, Harry.'

    T 92: ‘……差不多就在这里,哈利。’  (‘……it’s roughly here, Harry.’)

    C: [LPH made up ‘roughly’]

    FC: {Mr Weasley knew exactly where to go. His image is marred}


    O 121 – 122: 'If you had read my report you would know that the term is firearms,'

    T 92: ‘你如果读过我的报告,就会知道那个词是闪光臂。’  (‘If you had read my report you would know that the term is shining arms,’)

    C: [firearms mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 122: Sitting on top of Mr Weasley's overflowing in-tray was an old toaster that was hiccoughing in a disconsolate way and a pair of empty leather gloves that were twiddling their thumbs.

    T 93: 韦斯莱先生的收文篮里满满当当,位于最上面的是个上了年纪的祝酒人,正在闷闷不乐地打嗝,此外还有两只空空的皮手套,正在摆弄着两个大拇指。  (Sitting on top of Mr Weasley's full in-tray was an old person toasting for wine that was hiccoughing in a disconsolate way and a pair of empty leather gloves that were twiddling their thumbs.)

    C: [toaster mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers }


Chapter 8


    O 126: ……all staring down their noses at him, some with very austere expressions, others looks of frank curiosity.

    T 97: 他们都垂眼看着他,有的带着严厉的表情,有的则毫不掩饰内心的好奇。  (……all watching down their noses at him, some with very austere expressions, some with looks of frank curiosity.)

    C: [others mistranslated]

    FC: {In the original it is clear that most people, except for some, were curious on Harry. This was an important reason Harry escaped, in spite of the pressure from the Ministry for Magic. Losing hint/foreshadowing }


    O 127: ……said a quiet voice from behind Harry, who turned his head so fast he cricked his neck.

    T 97: 哈利身后一个平静的声音说道。哈利猛一转头,差点把脖子扭伤了。  (……said a quiet voice from behind Harry, who turned his head so fast he almost cricked his neck.)

    C: [LPH made up ‘almost’]

    FC: {Misleading readers }


    O 133: On the third attempt, he produced a Patronus, which charged down the first Dementor and then, with his encouragement, chased the second one away from his cousin.

    T 101: 第三次再试,他变出了一个守护神。那守护神冲过去撞倒了第一个神魂怪,然后它鼓足勇气,又把第二个神魂怪从哈利表哥身边赶跑了。  (On the third attempt, he produced a Patronus, which charged down the first Dementor and then, it mustered bravery, chased the second one away from his cousin.)

    C: [with his encouragement mistranslated]

    FC: {A Patronus was not a human being, even not a creature, which was only a magic called by Harry, how could it ‘muster bravery’? If Mrs Figg really had said that, I do not think Fudge and Madam Bones would have accepted this kind of testimony. Twisting the original, misleading/confusing readers }


    O 135: 'Of course, these particular Dementors may have been outside Ministry control - '

    T 103: ‘当然了,这两个特殊的摄魂怪也可能不受魔法部的控制——’  (‘Of course, these two very special Dementors may have been outside Ministry control -’)

    C: [particular mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 136: Fudge shouted, banging his fist on the judge's bench……

    T 104: 福吉大声嚷道,一拳砸在法官的长凳子上……  (Fudge shouted, banging his fist on a bench on which the judges sat……)

    C: [judge's bench mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers }


Chapter 9


    O 140: ……beckoning Harry forwards as Percy's heels disappeared up the steps to Level Nine.

    T 107: 当帕西的脚跟消失在通往第九层楼的阶梯上时,他示意哈利往前走,  (……beckoning Harry forwards as Percy's heels disappeared up the steps to the eighth floor.)

    C: [Level Nine mistranslated]

    FC: {Here Level Nine was not the same as the eithth floor and so on. LPH should remember, in the Ministry for Magic building the bigger the number of levels, the deeper it was underground. Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 140: '……but it's not so much having to repair the damage, it's more the attitude behind the vandalism, Harry. '

    T 107: ‘修好被弄坏的东西倒没有什么,主要是这种破坏行为后面的态度,哈利。’  (‘It’s easy to repair the damaged properties, the main thing is the attitude behind this vandalism, Harry.’)

    C: [LPH did not understand the original]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 140: They had just reached the ninth-level corridor and Cornelius Fudge was standing a few feet away from them,

    T 107: 他们刚走到第九层楼的走廊上,康奈利•福吉站在离他们几步远的地方,  (They had just reached the eighth floor corridor and Cornelius Fudge was standing a few steps away from them,)

    C: [a few feet mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers }


    O 142: 'Mr Weasley,' said Harry slowly, 'if Fudge is meeting Death Eaters like Malfoy, if he's seeing them alone, how do we know they haven't put the Imperius Curse on him?'

    T 108 - 109: ‘韦斯莱先生,’哈利慢吞吞地说,‘如果福吉跟马尔福这样的食死徒来往,我们怎么知道他们没有给他施夺魂咒呢?’  (‘Mr Weasley,' said Harry slowly, 'if Fudge is meeting Death Eaters like Malfoy, how do we know they haven't put the Imperius Curse on him?)

    C: [if he's seeing them alone, omitted]

    FC: {A very important condition lost. If Fudge met Malfoy with somebody in the present, the Death Eater would have much smaller chance to hex him. Misleading readers}


    O 143: Ron and Hermione sat themselves down opposite him, looking happier than they had done since he had first arrived at Grimmauld Place,

    T 110: 罗恩和赫敏坐在哈利对面,看上去比他刚到格里莫广场的那天还要高兴。  (Ron and Hermione sat themselves down opposite him, looking happier than they had done when he had first arrived at Grimmauld Place)

    C: [looking happier than they had done since he had first arrived at Grimmauld Place mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH did not correctly understand the usage of pruperfect; failing to express correctly the friendship of the trio; misleading readers}


    O 145: '- we could do a sponsored scrub of Gryffindor common room, all proceeds to SPEW, it would raise awareness as well as funds.'

    T 111: ‘——我们可以发起一个打扫格兰芬多公共休息室的活动,所有的收益都归ASEW,这样不仅可以筹集资金,还能提高人们的觉悟。’  (‘- we could start an activity to clean Gryffindor common room, all proceeds to SPEW, it would raise people’s consciousness as well as funds.’)

    C: [a sponsored scrub of Gryffindor common room mistranslated; awareness mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 150: 'Not a really good one!' Ron hastened to add. 'Just - just a new one for a change , . .'

    T 115: ‘不要特别好的!’罗恩赶紧说道,‘只要——只要一把新的,换换口味……’  (‘Not a really good one!' Ron hastened to add. 'Just - just a new one,to change the taste, . .’)

    C: [for a change mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH failed to understand the original, lost the humour in the original, and marred the characterisation of Ron}


    O 151: Harry hurried across the room, closed the door, then returned slowly to his bed and sank on to it, gazing unseeingly at the foot of the wardrobe.

    T 116: 哈利慢慢走回到床边,一头倒在床上,两眼失神地望着衣柜的脚。   (Harry returned slowly to his bed and sank on to it, gazing unseeingly at the foot of the wardrobe.)

    C: [hurried across the room, closed the door omitted]


    O 154: 'Drawing room . . .' he growled, as the pupil contracted.

    T 118: ‘客厅……’他粗声粗气地说,两个瞳孔缩小了。  (Drawing room . . .' he growled, as both his pupils contracted. )

    C: [the pupil mistranslated]

    FC: {In the original ‘the pupil’ is singular, as Moody used only his magic eye to look things through walls. Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 156: It had just occurred to him that Mr and Mrs Weasley would want to know how Fred and George were financing their joke shop business when, as was inevitable, they finally found out about it.

    T 120: 他突然想到,韦斯莱先生和韦斯莱太太肯定很纳闷弗雷德和乔治怎么会有本钱做笑话商店的生意,然后不可避免地,他们就会弄清是怎么回事。  (It had just occurred to him that Mr and Mrs Weasley would feel strange how Fred and George were financing their joke shop business and, as was inevitable, they would find out everything.)

    C: [LPH failed to understand the main points of this long sentence]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 158: '. . . Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they fought like heroes . . . budge along, budge along . . .'

    T 121: ‘……吉迪翁•普威特,动用了五个食死徒才将他和他弟弟费比安杀死,他们战斗得英勇顽强……且战且退,且战且退……’   (‘. . . Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they fought like heroes . . . they fought and retreated, fought and retreated . . .’)

    C: [. . . budge along, budge along . . . mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 158: '. . . and . . . there you go, thought that would interest you!'

    T 121: ‘……还有……就是这些,我想你可能会有兴趣!’  (‘. . . and . . . that’s it, thought that would interest you!’)

    C: [From what LHP said, ‘that’s it,’ it seems Moody had finished to show Harry pictures; however the emphasis was the pictures followed: pictures of Harry’s parents, which were what he thought Harry would have real interest]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 161: It's only a matter of time before Voldemort moves into the open;

    T 124: 伏地魔总有一天会暴露他的真面目,  (It's only a matter of time before Voldemort shows his real face;)

    C: [moves into the open mistranslated]

    FC: {According to LPH, most people still believed Voldemort was a good guy? Misleading/confusing readers }


Chapter 10


    O 169: My Great Uncle Algie got it for me in Assyria.

    T 130: 这是我伯父阿尔吉从亚述给我弄来的。  (My Uncle Algie got it for me in Assyria.)

    C: [Great Uncle mistranslated]

    FC: {This kind of mistakes LPH has been continuing making from Book 1 to Book 6. Misleading readers}


    O 174: Sources close to the Minister have recently disclosed that Fudge's dearest ambition is to seize control of the goblin gold supplies

    T 134: 与魔法部密切接触的消息提供者最近透露,福吉最强烈的野心就是控制小妖精的黄金储备,  (Sources close to the Ministry have recently disclosed that Fudge's dearest ambition is to seize control of the little goblin gold supplies,)

    C: [Minister mistranslated; a ‘little’ was inserted here, which will confuse readers with the difference between Goblins and Little Goblins, as there is no ‘little’ attached to other Goblins on the same page.]

    FC: {Confusing readers}


Chapter 11


    O 182: Candles floated in midair all along the tables, illuminating the silvery ghosts who were dotted about the Hall

    T 141: 餐桌上空漂浮着一根根蜡烛,照亮了点缀在礼堂里的那几个银白色的鬼魂,

    C: [LPH changed the Chinese translation for ‘ghosts’]

    FC: {Translation of characters changed;confusing readers }


    O 185: These differences caused little strife When first they came to light,

    T 144: 这些分歧第一次露出端倪, 就引起了一场小小的争吵。   (These differences caused some strifes When first they came to light,)

    C: ['little' mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH failed to understand that there was almost no strife in the beginning. Misleading/confusing readers }


    O 186: And at last there came a morning When old Slytherin departed And though the fighting then died out He left us quite downhearted.

    T 144: 后来终于在某一天清晨, 年迈的斯莱特林突然出走。 尽管那时纷争已经平息, 他还是灰心地离我们而去。   (And at last there came a morning When old Slytherin departed Although the fighting at that time died out He let us feel quite downhearted.)

    C: [then mistranslated;left mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH failed to understand, that the reason for ‘fighting died out’ was the departure of Slytherin. Misleading readers }


    O 187: ‘Branched out a bit this year, hasn’t it?’ said Ron, his eyebrows raised. ' Too right it has,' said Harry.

    T 145: ‘今年有点跑题了,是不是?’罗恩扬起眉毛说。 ‘确实是这样。’哈利说。   (‘Branched out a bit this year, hasn’t it?’ said Ron, his eyebrows raised. ' Indeed it is,' said Harry.)

    C: [Too right it has mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 195: 'Hey, Harry,' said Dean, who was putting on a pair of pyjamas in the West Ham colours.

    T 151: ‘你好,哈利,’迪安说,他正在穿一套颜色像火腿一样的睡衣,   (‘Hey, Harry,' said Dean, who was putting on a pair of pyjamas in colours as ham.)

    C: [West Ham, the football team in England Premier League, was translated as ham, unbelievable]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers, and it is indeed very ridiculous}


Chapter 12


    O 209: ……which gave Harry plenty of time to reflect that between Neville and Ron he would be lucky ever to have two minutes of conversation with Cho that he could look back on without wanting to leave the country.

    T 162: 这使得哈利有足够的时间想到,他身边有赫敏和罗恩这两个人,不知这辈子还有没有运气在不离开自己国家的情况下,跟秋说上几句令他回味无穷的话。  (……which gave Harry plenty of time to reflect that as there were Hemione and Ron around him, if he would be lucky ever to have two minutes of conversation with Cho that he could look back on without wanting to leave the country.)

    C: [The whole sentence wrongly understood,Naville mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 223: Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, watching Harry closely.

    T 173: 麦格教授在她的书桌后坐了下来,紧皱眉头望着哈利。   (Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, watching Harry, frowned.)

    C: [‘frowned’was made up by LPH; closely omitted]

    FC: {LPH has no rights to insert their own story}


Chapter 13


    O 235: Luna was wearing what looked like a pair of orange radishes for earrings,

    T 183: 卢娜戴着两个胡萝卜般的耳坠,  (Luna was wearing what looked like a pair of carrots for earrings,)

    C: [orange radishes mistranslated]

    FC: {Luda’s role is going to be more and more important in HP. Changing the image of character}


    O 236: 'D'you mind not offending the only people who believe me?'

    T 183: ‘你能不能不要惹唯一相信我的人生气?’  (‘D'you mind not offending the only single person who believes me?)

    C: [only people mistranslated]

    FC: {Luna was not the only person who believed Harry. Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 239: These were so foul that Harry stared at them, transfixed, until Professor Umbridge spoke again.

    T 185: 这些东西太恶心了,哈利简直被吓住了,只顾呆呆地望着它们,后来乌姆里奇教授又说话了。  (These were so foul that Harry stared at them, transfixed, then Professor Umbridge spoke again.)

    C: [until mistranslated/omitted]

    FC: { Misleading readers }


    O 243: He also felt dimly that this was between himself and Umbridge, a private battle of wills, and he was not going to give her the satisfaction of hearing that he had complained about it.

    T 188: 他还隐隐约约地感到,这是他和乌姆里奇之间的事,是一场秘密的意志较量,他不想让她听到他在哭诉埋怨并因此而感到快意。  (He also felt dimly that this was between himself and Umbridge, a secret battle of wills, and he was not going to give her the satisfaction of hearing that he had complained in tears about it.)

    C: [in tears not in the original]

    FC: {Damaging Harry’s image and characterisation}


    O 243: He then dashed off answers to the questions Professor McGonagall had set them, cobbled together something on the proper handling of Bowtruckles for Professor Grubbly-Plank,……

    T 188: 接着,他匆匆回答了麦格教师给他们布置的几个问题,又在护树罗锅身上合适的部位拼凑了一些东西,准备拿去应付格拉普兰教授,……   (He then dashed off answers to the questions Professor McGonagall had set them, put together something on some proper places of Bowtruckles for Professor Grubbly-Plank,……)

    C: [something on the proper handling of Bowtruckles mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH did not understand the original. Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 247: ……the fifth dodged a Bludger exceptionally well but then fumbled an easy save.

    T 191: ……第五个特别漂亮地躲过了一个游走球,却把一个很容易接住的球漏进了球门。  (……the fifth ducked away from a Bludger exceptionally well but then fumbled an easy save.)

    C: [dodge mistranslated]

    FC: {Goalkeeper ducked away from a ball? Does that mean the team losses a point? Why was that exceptioanally well? Confusing readers}


Chapter 14


    O 254: 'The Tornados-hater?' said Cho rather coolly. 'Is he any good?'

    T 198: ‘就是那个讨厌龙卷风队的人?’秋很冷淡地说。‘他有长处?’  (‘The Tornados-hater?' said Cho rather coolly. 'Can he ever do anything good?’)

    C: [Is he any good? mistranslated]

    FC: {Can he ever do anything good? is such a harsh sentence which almost denying anything good of Ron. Cho was a tender-minded girl, who would not say anything against a fellow-student like that. Also Harry looked very high about his friendship with Ron, he wouldn’t allow anyone to say things like that against Ron. Damaging characterisation and image of characters}


    O 271: 'So you don't think it had anything to do with Umbridge touching me when I was in detention with her?' Harry asked. 'I doubt it,' said Sirius.

    T211: ‘那么,你认为这跟我在乌姆里奇那里关禁闭时她碰我没有关系?’哈利问。 ‘我不敢肯定,’小天狼星说,   ('So you don't think it had anything to do with Umbridge touching me when I was in detention with her?' Harry asked. 'I can’t be sure,' said Sirius.)

    C: [I doubt it mistranslated]

    FC: { Misleading readers }


    O 271: 'Honestly, if you made a bit of an effort with Kreacher, I'm sure he'd respond. After all, you are the only member of his family he's got left, - '

    T 211: ‘说老实话,如果你在克利切身上多下些功夫,我相信他不会无动于衷的。毕竟,你是他留守的家庭的最后一位成员,——’ ('Honestly, if you made a bit of an effort with Kreacher, I'm sure he'd respond. After all, you are the only member of the family he's left to guard while the main troops gone, - ')

    C: [his family he's got left mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


Chapter 15


    O 279: 'Who've you got this afternoon?' Fred asked Harry. 'Trelawney - ' 'A "T" if ever I saw one.'

    T 218: ‘你们今天下午是谁的课?’弗雷德问哈利。 ‘特里劳妮——’ ‘算是我见过的一个“T”了。’   ('Who've you got this afternoon?' Fred asked Harry. 'Trelawney - ' 'Should be a "T" I’ve seen .')

    C: [if ever I saw one mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH misunderstood the original. Misleading readers}


    O 280: Harry bent his head hurriedly over his book.

    T 219: 哈利赶紧埋头假装读书。   (Harry bent his head hurriedly over his book to pretend reading.)

    C: [‘to pretend reading’made up by LPH]

    FC: {Twisting the original}


    O 282: Professor Umbridge surveyed Professor Trelawney.

    T 220: 乌姆里奇教授的眉毛仍然扬着。   (Professor Umbridge’s brow was still raised.)

    C: [The whole sentence mistranslated]

    FC: {Twisting the original}


    O 284: ……though the cut deepened with every letter.

    T 222: 尽管每写一遍伤口就刻得更深。   (……though the cut deepened with every time he finished the sentence.)

    C: [with every letter mistranslated]

    FC: {Twisting the original,weakening the the criticising of Umbridge in the original}


    O 287: 'Hurry up, you three,' she added, sweeping Harry, Ron and Hermione before her.

    T 225: ‘快点儿,你们三个。’她说,推着哈利、罗恩和赫敏往前走。  ('Hurry up, you three,' she added, pushing Harry, Ron and Hermione forward.)

    C: [sweeping mistranslated; forward mistranslated]

    FC: {In Britain, teachers keep not touching students whenever they can. Misleading readers. Twisting foreign tradition}


    O 288: Harry saw Malfoy look up eagerly and watch Umbridge and Grubbly-Plank closely.

    T 225 哈利看见马尔福急切地抬起头来。  (Harry saw Malfoy look up eagerly.)

    C: [and watch Umbridge and Grubbly-Plank closely Omitted]

    FC: {Half of the whole paragraph omitted}


    O 288: ' 'Fraid I can't,' said Professor Grubbly-Plank breezily.

    T 225: ‘恐怕不能,’乌姆里奇教授语调轻松地说,  (‘'Fraid I can't,' said Professor Umbridge breezily.)

    C: [Grubbly-Plank mistranslated]

    FC: {Mixing characters, misleading/confusing readers}


    O 288 – 289: ……'how do you, as a temporary member of staff- an objective outsider, I suppose you might say - how do you find Hogwarts? ' ……

    T 225: ‘你作为一个临时代课教师——我想你也许会说,你是一个客观的局外人。你认为霍格沃茨怎么样?  (‘As a temporary member of staff,——I suppose you might say you are an objective outsider. How do you find Hogwarts?’)

    C: [I suppose you might say mistranslated]

    FC: {LPH cut one sentence in the original into two, and wrongly lost the organic link between the two parts in the sentence, thus failed to express the cotents. Misleading readers}


    O 290: He was pleased to see them, especially as Hermione was disposed to be sympathetic rather than critical.

    T 226: 他看见他们非常高兴,特别是赫敏表现出了更多的同情,而不是批评。   (He saw them be happy, especially Hermione, who was disposed to be more sympathetic rather than critical.)

    C: [LPH failed to clearly mention who was pleased; LPH also failed to mention they were not critical, only sympathetic]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 292: 'Actually I haven't,' said Hermione coolly. 'You beat me in our third year - the only year we both sat the test and had a teacher who actually knew the subject.'

    T 228: ‘实际上不是的,’赫敏冷静地说,‘三年级的时候你就超过了我——只有那一年我们俩一起经历了那次考验,遇到了一位真正懂行的老师。’ ('Actually it’s not like that,' said Hermione coolly. 'You’ve overtaken me since our third year - the only year we both experienced that trial and met a teacher who actually knows the subject.')

    C: [The main point of the whole sentence mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


Chapter 16


    O 296: Rubbing it, he said, 'Yeah? What did Vicky say?' 'Ho ho,' said Hermione in a bored voice.

    T 231: 他一边揉着脖子一边说:‘什么?威克多尔说什么啦?’ ‘哦,哦,’赫敏用腻烦的口吻说,   (Rubbing his neck, he said, 'Yeah? What did Victor say?' 'Oh, Oh,' said Hermione in a bored voice.)

    C: [A serious mistake. LPH faile to deliver the real point of Ron and the real reason for Hermione to be bored: Vicky as a jeering]

    FC: {Failed to deliver the characterisation of characters, misleading readers}


    O 303: ……said Michael Corner, who was watching her closely.

    T 236: 迈克尔• 科纳说。   (……said Michael Corner.)

    C: [who was watching her closely omitted]


    O 304: Some of these people - maybe even most of them - had turned up in the hopes of hearing Harry's story firsthand.

    T 237: 这帮人中有一些——甚至是大多数——之所以来,是想亲耳听听哈利编的那些谎话。   (Some of these people - maybe even most of them - had turned up in the hopes of hearing the lies made up by Harry firsthand.)

    C: [story terribly mistranslated]

    FC: {Uglifying Harry: the above quotation was what he thought, how come he thought himself making up lies? Twisting the original, misleading/confusing readers}


    O 306: 'all the tasks he had to get through in the Triwizard Tournament last year - getting past dragons and merpeople and Acromantula and things . . .'

    T 238: ‘上学期他在三强争霸赛里所完成的那些项目——穿越火龙、人鱼等等……’ ('the tasks he got through in the Triwizard Tournament last year - getting past dragons and merpeople and things . . .')

    C: [Acromantula Omitted; had to omitted]

    FC: {It’s likely LPH omitted Acromantula deliberately, as they’d never given Acromantula a Chinese name yet. It’s possible they omitted it just from their being lazy, otherwise it’ll be too difficult to omitt one noun from three nouns in a row}


    O 307: Zacharias folded his arms and said nothing, though perhaps this was because he was too busy keeping an eye on the instrument in Fred's hand.

    T 239: 扎卡赖斯抱着双臂什么也没说,不过这也许是因为他在紧张地用一只眼睛盯着弗雷德手里的那个东西。   (Zacharias folded his arms and said nothing, though perhaps this was because he was looking nervously at the instrument in Fred's hand with one of his eyes.)

    C: [keeping an eye on mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers, and ridiculous}


    O 310: They had turned into the High Street and she paused outside Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, where there was a handsome display of pheasant feather quills in the window.

    T 242: 他们拐上大路,她在文人居羽毛笔店外停住脚步,橱窗里陈列着许多讨人喜欢的羽毛笔,摆放得非常漂亮。  (They had turned into the High Street and she paused outside Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, where there was a handsome display of quills in the window.)

    C: [Pheasant feather Omitted]

    FC: {LPH might, again, omit these words deliberatedly. In Book 6, they translated pheasant several times into quail, that means they didn’t know what a pheasant is. Here they might be too lazy to consult a dictionary, so they chose an even easier way to deal with it: omitting}


Chapter 17


    O 313 An organisation, society, team, group or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of three or more students.

    T 245: 兹定义,组织、协会、团队和俱乐部指三名以上学生的定期集会。  (An organisation, society, team or club is hereby defined as a regular meeting of more than three students.)

    C: [group Omitted;of three or more students mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 317: Only then did he realise that Hedwig's feathers were oddly ruffled; some were bent the wrong way, and she was holding one of her wings at an odd angle. 'She's hurt!' Harry whispered, bending his head low over her.

    T 248: 这时他才发现海德薇的羽毛异常蓬乱,有的倒折着。   (Only then did he realise that Hedwig's feathers were oddly ruffled; some were bent the wrong way.)

    C: [and she was holding one of her wings at an odd angle. 'She's hurt!' Harry whispered, bending his head low over her. Omitted]


    O 326: ……cried Professor Trelawney leaping to her feet, her beads rattling and her spectacles flashing.

    T 254: 特里劳妮教授大喊一声,跳了起来,脑袋摇得像拨浪鼓,眼镜片一闪一闪的,   (……cried Professor Trelawney leaping to her feet, shaking her head as a rattle-drum, and her spectacles flashing.)

    C: [her beads rattling mistranslated]

    FC: {It’s a riddle to me how LPH dug up ‘shaking her head as a rattle-drum.’ Perhaps they misread ‘beads’ as ‘heads’? But how come she had more than one ‘head’? Misleading readers}


    O 327: First, Fred would take a bite out of the orange end of a chew, at which he would vomit spectacularly into a bucket they had placed in front of them.

    T 254: 弗雷德先咬桔黄色的一头,马上大口呕吐起来,吐进摆在他面前的桶里,  (First, Fred took a bite out of the orange end, at once he vomited spectacularly into a bucket in front of him.)

    C: [a chew Omitted; they had placed in front of Omitted;them mistranslated]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence}


    O 327: What with the regular sounds of retching, cheering and the sound of Fred and George taking advance orders from the crowd, Harry was finding it exceptionally difficult to focus on the correct method for Strengthening Solution.

    T 255: 呕吐声、喝彩声,人们纷纷向弗雷德和乔治订货,哈利简直没法集中思想写增强剂的正确配方。   (Sounds of retching, of cheering, people made orders with Fred and George, Harry was finding it exceptionally difficult to focus on the correct method for Strengthening Solution.)

    C: [what with Omitted;the sound of Fred and George taking……Mistranslated;‘集中思想’bad Chinese;advance Omitted]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence}


    O 328: ……so it was well past midnight when Harry, Ron and Hermione finally had the common room to themselves.

    T 255: ……午夜过后很久,罗恩和赫敏总算可以享有公共休息室的清静了。   (……so it was well past midnight when Ron and Hermione finally enjoyed a quiet common room.)

    C: [Harry Omitted;had the common room to themselves Mistranslated]

    FC: {Harry missed, how would the readers think?Misleading/confusing readers }


    O 329: 'He was banned from the Hog's Head twenty years ago,' said Sirius, 'and that barman's got a long memory. We lost Moody's spare Invisibility Cloak when Sturgis was arrested, so Dung's been dressing as a witch a lot lately . . . '

    T 256: ‘他二十年前被禁止进猪头酒吧,那个男招待记性好极了。斯多吉被捕时我们丢掉了穆迪的隐形衣,所以顿格近来常扮成女巫……’ ('He was banned from the Hog's Head twenty years ago, and that barman's got a long memory. We lost Moody's Invisibility Clothes when Sturgis was arrested, so Dung's been dressing as a witch a lot lately . . . ')

    C: [barman Mistranslated (was translated as Bar Owner in previous Chapters);said Sirius Omitted;spare Omitted;Cloak Mistranslated]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence}


Chapter 18


    O 339: 'Harry, you're reading You-Know-Who's mind!' 'No,' said Harry, shaking his head. 'It's more like . . . his mood, I suppose. I'm just getting flashes of what mood he's in. '

    T 263: ‘哈利,你在读神秘人的思想!’ ‘不,’哈利摇头道,‘我想只是他的情绪。我有一些闪电般的感觉……’   ('Harry, you're reading You-Know-Who's mind!' 'No,' said Harry, shaking his head. 'It's only his mood, I suppose. I'm just getting some feelings as lightning.')

    C: [‘……’Omitted;I'm just getting flashes of what mood he's in Mistranslated]

    FC: {The ‘……’is rather important here, as it showed Harry was then thinking or hesitating; the next item is also important, as it’s a precise description of to what an extent Harry could detect Voldemort. Misleading readers}


    O 341: ……with a look of positive adoration on his face,

    T 264: 脸上充满热情,  (……with a look of enthusiasm on his face, )

    C: [adoration Mistranslated]

    FC: {Mistranslated the characterisation of character}


    O 345 : 'I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

    T 267: ‘我庄严宣誓我不怀好意。’ ('I solemnly swear that I am not going to do any good.")

    C: [There was a different wording in Book 3]

    FC: {With a different incantation can the magic still work?Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 345 – 346: Harry reached out, seized the brass handle, pulled open the door and led the way into a spacious room lit with flickering torches like those that illuminated the dungeons eight floors below.

    T 267: 哈利握住铜把手,拉开了门,带头走进一间宽敞的屋子,里面点着火把,像地下教室里的一样。   (Harry seized the copper handle, pulled open the door and led the way into a spacious room lit with torches like those in the dungeons.)

    C: [reached out Omitted;brass Mistranslated; flickering Omitted;illuminated Omitted;eight floors below Omitted]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence}


    O 347: 'Yeah, the DA's good,' said Ginny. 'Only let's make it stand for Dumbledore's Army, because that's the Ministry's worst fear, isn't it?'

    T 269: ‘嘿,DA 不错,’金妮说,‘它还可以表示“邓布利多军”,那可是魔法部最害怕的,对吧?’ ('Yeah, the DA's good,' said Ginny. 'It can also stand for Dumbledore's Army, as that's the Ministry's worst fear, isn't it?')

    C: [Only let's make it stand for Mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 348: She pinned the piece of parchment with all of their signatures on it on to the wall and wrote across the top in large letters:

    T 269: 她把写着所有人名字的纸条钉到墙上,在顶端写道:  (She pinned the piece of paper with all of their names on it on to the wall and wrote on top:)

    C: [parchment Mistranslated;signatures Mistranslated;across Omitted;in large letters Omitted]

    FC: {Multiple mistakes within one sentence}


    O 349: ……whereas Michael was either very bad or unwilling to jinx her.

    T 270: ……迈克尔虽然做得不是很差,但就是不肯对她念这个咒。   (……although Michael was not very bad, he was unwilling to jinx her.)

    C: [LPH didn’t understand the meaning of ‘either……or……’]

    FC: {Incredibly ridiculous}


Chapter 19


    O 355: ……the rest of the team felt this save compared favourably with one made recently by Barry Ryan, the Irish International Keeper, against Poland's top Chaser, Ladislaw Zamojski.

    T 274: 其他队员都认为这个救球可与前不久爱尔兰世界级守门员巴里•瑞安对波兰最好的追球手拉迪斯洛•扎莫斯基的那一球相媲美。   (……the rest of the team felt this save could be compared with one made recently by Barry Ryan, the Irish Keeper with international fame, against Poland's top Chaser, Ladislaw Zamojski.)

    C: [International Mistranslated;compared favourably Mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 355: The only thing really worrying Harry was how much Ron was allowing the tactics of the Slytherin team to upset him before they even got on to the pitch.

    T 274: 惟一真正让哈利担心的是,罗恩在进球场之前就让斯莱克林队的战术搞慌了。   (The only thing really worrying Harry was Ron was allowing the tactics of the Slykrin team to upset him before they even got on to the pitch.)

    C: [Slytherin Mistranslated;how much Ron was allowing Mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 356: For some reason many of them waved at Ron, laughing uproariously.

    C: [For some reason many of them waved at Ron, laughing uproariously. Omitted]


    O 358: (Ron attempted to do his up back-to-front for several minutes before Alicia took pity on him and went to help),

    T 276: (罗恩一开始穿反了,还是安吉利娜动了恻隐之心,过来帮了一把)   ((Ron attempted to do his up back-to-front before Angelina took pity on him and went to help))

    C: [for several minutes Mistranslated;Alicia Mistranslated]

    FC: {Mixing characterisation of characters}


    O 360: Lee Jordan's commentary rang through the stadium and Harry listened as hard as he could through the wind whistling in his ears and the din of the crowd, all yelling and booing and singing.

    T 277: 李•乔丹的解说在场中回响,哈利竭力聆听,耳边是呼啸的风声和观众的喧嚣——   (Lee Jordan's commentary rang through the stadium and Harry listened as hard as he could through the wind whistling in his ears and the din of the crowd.)

    C: [all yelling and booing and singing Omitted]


    O 363: Harry did not have to look to see what had happened: there was a terrible groan from the Gryffindor end, coupled with fresh screams and applause from the Slytherins.

    T 279: 哈利不用看就知道发生了什么:格兰芬多一方发出痛苦的呻吟,斯莱特林队员发出的尖叫声和鼓掌声。   (Harry did not have to look to see what had happened: there was a terrible groan from the Gryffindor end. And fresh screams and applause from the Slytherin team members.)

    C: [coupled Omitted; Slytherins Mistranslated;in the Chinese translation the last part of the sentence has no verb, with a subject standing alone]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence}


    O 364: But Harry had seen it at last: the tiny fluttering Golden Snitch was hovering feet from the ground at the Slytherin end of the pitch.

    T 280: 但哈利终于看到了:小小的、忽闪忽闪的金色飞贼正悬在斯莱特林那端的球场上方几英尺处。   (But Harry had seen it at last: the tiny fluttering Golden Snitch was hanging motionlessly feet from the ground at the Slytherin end of the pitch.)

    C: [hovering Mistranslated]

    FC: {A snitch would never ‘hanging motionlessly’. Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 364: A Bludger hit Harry squarely in the small of the back and he flew forwards off his broom. Luckily he was only five or six feet above the ground, having dived so low to catch the Snitch, but he was winded all the same as he landed flat on his back on the frozen pitch.

    T 280: 一个游走球正中哈利的后腰,他从扫帚上飞了出去,幸好离地面只有五六英尺。   (A Bludger hit Harry squarely in the small of the back and he flew forwards off his broom. Luckily he was only five or six feet above the ground,)

    C: [having dived so low to catch the Snitch, but he was winded all the same as he landed flat on his back on the frozen pitch Omitted]

    FC: {Horrible omission. Misleading readers}


Chapter 20


    O 373: 'Hagrid, you've been attacked!' said Ron.

    T 287: ‘海格,你遭到袭击了吗?’罗恩问。  ('Hagrid, have you been attacked?' asked Ron.)

    C: [It was not a question at all in the original]

    FC: {Weakening the concerns of Ron towards Hagrid, marring character’s characterisation}


    O 387: 'For your health,' repeated Professor Umbridge. Her eyes travelled over Hagrid's discoloured and swollen face;

    T 297: ‘疗养。’乌姆里奇教授说。他打量着海格那血污青肿的脸……  ('Recreation,' repeated Professor Umbridge. His eyes travelled over Hagrid's blood-stained and swollen face;)

    C: [For your health Mistranslated;Her Mistranslated;Discoloured Mistranslated]

    FC: {Multiple-mistaken within one sentence; Misleading readers}


For Chapters 21-38, see next page.
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