Harry Potter in Chinese, Japanese & Vietnamese Translation


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

All the original English quotations have been taken from British version, Bloomsbury 2000 ISBN 0 7475 4624 X. All the Chinese quotations have been taken from the Chinese People’s Literature Publishing House (hereafter referred to as LPH) version, June 2001, ISBN 7-02-003464-2.

The format of this essay is:

O: quotation of the original with page number;
T : quotation of the corresponding translation with page number, followed by English re-translation or an explanation;
C: comment;
FC: further comment if necessary.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Chapters





Chapter 1


    O 12: ‘You will milk her before we retire, Wormtail,’ said the second voice. ‘ I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly.’

    T 5: 我们睡觉前,你喂它一次牛奶,虫尾巴。’第二个声音说,‘我夜里还需要吃一顿。这一路上可把我累坏了。’  You will feed her with cow milk before we retire, Wormtail,’ said the second voice. ‘I will need feeding in the night. The journey has tired me greatly.’

    C: [milk mistranslated; here Lord Voldemort relied on the snake’s venom for life]

    FC: {Serious mistranslation, damaging the plot in a disastrous way, countless readers have been misled}


    O 13: - you know I can disguise myself most effectively -

    T 5: ——您知道我可以随心所欲地伪装自己——- you know I can disguise myself whatever I like - 

    C: [He could not disguise himself whatever he liked; he could change himself into a rat, not anything]

    FC: {Magnifying wormtail’s ability, misleading readers}


Chapter 2


    O 23: They had explained away Harry's long absences at Hogwarts over the last three years by telling everyone that he went to St. Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys.

    T 12 在过去的三年里,哈利到霍格沃茨上学,长期不在家,他们为了消除别人的疑惑,总是解释说哈利去了专门关押不可救药少年犯的圣布鲁斯管教所。 They had explained away Harry's long absences at Hogwarts over the last three years by telling everyone that he went to St. Brutus's Secure Centre Especially for Incurably Criminal Boys.

    C: [St. Brutus's Secure Centre for Incurably Criminal Boys was translated differently from before {Book 3, page 12}]

    FC: {‘专门关押’ was added by LPH themselves}


    O 27: They told him they'd have to cut his pocket money if he keeps doing it,

    T 15: 他们警告他,如果他屡教不改,他们就不给他零花钱了, They warned him they'd stop giving him his pocket money if he did not improve after a few telling offs,

    C: [Told mistranslated;keeps doing it mistranslated;cut his pocket money mistranslated; have to omitted]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


Chapter 3


    O 30: the fact remained that the school outfitters didn't stock knickerbockers big enough for him anymore.

    T 17: 但有一个事实是无法改变的:学校服装库里再也找不到他能穿下的裤子了。  the fact remained that in the uniform warehouse of the school one could not find any knickerbockers big enough for him anymore.

    C: [school outfitters mistranslated]

    FC: {Failed to convey correctly the extent of Dudley's obesity, misleading readers}


    O 30: The diet sheet that had been sent by the Smeltings school nurse had been taped to the fridge, which had been emptied of all Dudley's favorite things - fizzy drinks and cakes, chocolate bars and burgers and filled instead with fruit and vegetables and the sorts of things that Uncle Vernon called "rabbit food."

    T 5: 斯梅廷学校护士寄来的减肥食谱被贴在了冰箱上,凡是达力喜欢的食物——汽水饮料、蛋糕、巧克力糖和汉堡牛排,那上面一概没有,食谱上只有水果、蔬菜,还有一些弗农姨父称之为‘垃圾食品’的东西。 The diet sheet that had been sent by the Smeltings school nurse had been taped to the fridge; the sheet had been emptied of all Dudley's favorite things - lemonade drinks and cakes, chocolate and burgers and the sheet was full instead with fruit and vegetables and the sorts of things that Uncle Vernon called "rubbish food."

    C: [Whole sentence mistranslated; fizzy mistranslated; bars omitted; rabbit food mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers}


    O 32: Britain hasn't hosted the cup for thirty years,

    T 18: 英国已经三十年与奖杯无缘了,Britain hasn’t won the cup for thirty years

    C: [hosted the cup mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading readers }


    O 34: He thought it was a bit rich of Uncle Vernon to call anyone "dumpy," when his own son, Dudley, had finally achieved what he'd been threatening to do since the age of three, and become wider than he was tall.

    T 19: 他觉得,弗农姨父居然说别人‘胖墩墩’,真是太滑稽了,要知道他的亲生儿子达力终于完成了他们从他三岁起就逼他完成的事情

    ——他现在已经变成了一个横阔竖圆的胖墩儿。 He thought it was too ridiculous for Uncle Vernon to call anyone "dumpy," when his own son, Dudley, had finally achieved what they had forced him to do since the age of three, and had become a wide and round fattie.

    C: [what he'd been threatening to do since the age of three, and become wider than he was tall totally misunderstood]

    FC: {A long sentence mistranslated}


Chapter 4


    O 40: It wasn't altogether surprising, therefore, that Dudley kept running his hand nervously over his backside, and walking sideways from room to room, so as not to present the same target to the enemy.

    T 24: 达力刚刚从那场惊吓中缓过劲来,所以,难怪他现在紧张极了,不停地用手在屁股上摸来摸去,并且躲躲闪闪地从一个房间走到另一个房间,生怕又被敌人当成靶子,重演上次的悲剧。 Dudley was just recovered a bit from that event recently, so it wasn't altogether surprising, therefore, that he was very nervous, kept running his hand nervously over his backside, and walking dodgily from room to room, so as not to present himself to the enemy as a target, to prevent the tradigy to repeat.

    C: ['Dudley was just recovered a bit from that event recently, ’ not in the original; walking sideways mistranslated; 'nervous' misplaced;]

    FC: : {‘ Dudley was just recovered a bit from that event recently': does LPH think Dudley needed three years to start recovering himself? Addition by LPH, misleading, in purpose, serious mistranslation }


    O 48: His last fleeting glimpse of the living room was of Mr. Weasley blasting a third ornament out of Uncle Vernon's hand with his wand,

    T 29: 他最后匆匆瞥了一眼客厅,只见韦斯莱先生用魔杖把弗农姨父手里的第三个装饰品炸成了碎片。His last fleeting glimpse of the living room was of Mr. Weasley blasting a third ornament in Uncle Vernon's hand with his wand, 

    C: [out of mistranslated/omitted] 

    FC: : {This mistake is much more serious than it looks. It affects Mr Weasley’s image and the plot. Weasley’s characterisation, hobbies and his nature of work decided that he must be very careful with the safety of Muggles. He would never blast something still in the hold of Vernon}


Chapter 5


    O 49: Then, when at last he felt himself slowing down, he threw out his hands and came to a halt in time ……

    T 30: 随后,就在他觉得自己快要吐了的时候,他猛地伸出双手,及时刹住。 Then, when at last he felt himself about to vomit, he threw out his hands and came to a halt in time ……

    C: [felt himself slowing down mistranslated]

    FC: : {How he felt himself slowing down became he felt himself about to vomit is a mystery for me}


    O 50: Bill's clothes would not have looked out of place at a rock concert, except that Harry recognized his boots to be made, not of leather, but of dragon hide. 

    T 31: 比尔的那身衣服,即使是去参加摇滚音乐会也不会显得不合适。不过哈利看出来了,他的那双靴子不是牛皮而是龙皮做的。 Bill's clothes would not have looked out of place at a rock concert. However Harry recognized, his boots were made, not of leather, but of dragon hide.


    C: [except omitted, therefore the original meaning missed: it is not suitable to attend a rock concert wearing a pair of dragon hide boots]

    FC: {Why dragon hide here LPH did not translate as ‘firedrake hide’? The same English word was translated into two different Chinese words, even on one same page}


    O 51: "Why don't you show Harry where he's sleeping, Ron?"

    T 32: ‘罗恩,我们带哈利去看看他睡觉的地方好不好?’ "Why don't we show Harry where he's sleeping, Ron?"

    C: [you mistranslated]

    FC: {I think it is another example that LPH mistranslated on purpose}


    O 54: "Because he's being stupid," said Ginny, "Its proper name is Pigwidgeon."

    T 33: ‘因为它有点傻头傻脑,’金妮说,‘原先的名字是朱薇琼。’ "Because it's being stupid," said Ginny, "Its original name is Pigwidgeon."

    C: [he mistranslated,Its proper name mistranslated]

    FC: {It is one of the mini-kickers of Ron and Ginny’s, involving naming the little owl. Ginny was the first to come, naming it with something Ron did not like, and Ron stuck to the first part of the name, then the brother and sister called each other as being stupid half-jokingly. LPH did not understand the original, misleading readers}


    O 54: "……They'll be announcing their engagement any day now."

    T 34: ‘他们现在随时都会宣布正式聘用他。’ "……They'll be announcing a formal completion of the probation any time now."

    C: [their engagement mistranslated]

    FC: {Ron did not like Percy’s way of adoring Mr Crouch. LPH misunderstood the original, misleading readers}


    O 55: "Knives and forks, please, you two," she said to Ron and Harry,

    T 34 ‘你们两个,拿刀叉。’她一边吩咐罗恩和哈利,"Knives and forks, you two," she said to Ron and Harry,

    C: [please omitted]

    FC: {If without Harry, it’s possible that Mrs Weasley did not use ‘please’, but with Harry, she’ll always use it. Affecting Mrs Weasley’s image}


    O 56: Barely ten inches high, its horny little feet pattered very fast as it sprinted across the yard and dived headlong into one of the Wellington boots that lay scattered around the door.

    T 35: 身高不足十英寸,坚硬的小脚啪嗒啪嗒地走得飞快,穿过园子,一头钻进散放在门边的一只惠灵顿皮靴里。 Barely ten inches high, hard little feet pattered very fast, went across the yard and dived headlong into one of the Wellington boots that lay scattered around the door.

    C: [Barely mistranslated; horny mistranslated; it omitted so that the sentence has no subject;sprinted mistranslated]

    FC: {An example of multi-mistranslation in one sentence}


    O 59: ……regretting more than ever his isolation from the wizarding world when he was stuck on Privet Drive.

    T 37: 他暑假一直守在女贞路,与魔法世界完全隔绝,想起来真是懊恼透顶。 He had to stay on Privet Drive and was isolated from the wizarding world, that was really so dreadfully regretting.

    C: [more than ever mistranslated]

    FC: {Lost totally the meaning of comparison. He was more regretting than ever, because he had not received any news about the Quidditch World Cup, while he loved Quidditch so much. Misleading readers}


Chapter 6


    O 63: "This pair I'm talking about went and splinched themselves."

    T 40: ‘我说的那两个人就身首分家了。’ "This pair I'm talking about got their heads splinched from their bodies."

    C: [splinched mistranslated]

    FC: {Splinched is a special word for a special phenomenon in the Wizarding World, meaning the split of human body, which could happen anywhere on the body. Misleading/confusing readers }


Chapter 7


    O 70: After about twenty minutes, a small stone cottage next to a gate swam into view. 

    T 46: 走了大约二十分钟,渐渐地眼前出现了一扇门,然后是一座小石屋。  After about twenty minutes, a gate appeared; afterwards there was a small stone cottage.

    C: [next mistranslated] 

    FC:  {LPH mixed time and location, misleading readers }



    "This one's a - a - a ten? Ah yes, I see the little number on it now... So this is a five?"

    ‘A twenty,’

    T 46: ‘这张是——嗯——嗯——十块?啊,对了,我看见了上面印的小数字……那么这张是五块?’
    "This one's a - a - a ten kuai? Ah yes, I see the little number on it now... So this is a five kuai?"

    ‘A twenty kuai,’


    C: [kuai added by LPH]

    FC: {kuai is often used in Chinese for yuan, unit of Chinese currency renminbi; misleading/confusing readers}


    O73: Most looked almost ordinary; their owners had clearly tried to make them as Muggle-like as possible, but had slipped up by adding chimneys, or bellpulls, or weather vanes. 

    T 47: 大多数帐篷看上去没有什么特殊,显然他们的主人费了心思,尽可能把它们弄得和麻瓜的帐篷一样,可是有的一不小心做过了头,画蛇添足地加上了烟囱、拉铃绳或风向标,弄得不伦不类。Most looked almost ordinary, their owners had clearly tried to make them as Muggle-like as possible; but some had slipped up by adding chimneys, bellpulls or weather vanes, making them neither fish nor fowl.

    C: [LPH did not understand the meaning of this sentence: all the tents had problems, but most only had minor problems]

     FC: {misleading readers}


    O 76: ……while a group of middle-aged American witches sat gossiping happily beneath a spangled banner stretched between their tents that read: THE SALEM WITCHES' INSTITUTE.

    T 49: 另外一群中年美国男巫师坐在那里谈笑风生,他们的帐篷之间高高挂着一个闪闪发光的横幅:塞勒姆巫师学院……while a group of middle-aged American wizards sat gossiping happily beneath a shimmering banner stretched between their tents that read: THE SALEM WIZARDS' INSTITUTE.

    C: [witches mistranslated twice; spangled mistranslated]

    FC {As they were Americans, spangled banner should be a part of Star-spangled banner;now that they were middle-aged, Institute would be more likely to be an Academy than a College; wrong gender given}


    O 81: I offered him nice odds, considering Ireland's front three are the strongest I've seen in years - 

    T 52: ——我给他定了很高的赔率,因为我考虑到爱尔兰的三号前锋是我这么多年来见过的最棒的——  I offered him nice odds, considering Ireland's front, number three is the strongest I've seen in years -

    C: [front three mistranslated]

    FC: {misleading readers }


    O 83: The parting in his short gray hair was almost unnaturally straight, 

    T 54: 短短的黑头发打理得一丝不乱,中间那条缝直得有点不自然。 His short black hair was perfectly tidy, the middle gap in the hair was almost unnaturally straight,

    C: ['perfectly tidy’was added by LPH; gray mistranslated]

    FC: {The image of Mr Crouch mistranslated; misleading readers}


Chapter 8


    O 87 ……set at the highest point of the stadium and situated exactly halfway between the golden goal posts.

    T 58 位置在体育馆的最高处,而且正对着金色的球门柱。……set at the highest point of the indoor-stadium opposite the golden goal posts. 

    C: [stadium mistranslated; exactly halfway between the golden goal posts mistranslated]

    FC:  {Misleading readers }


    O 87: At either end of the field stood three goal hoops, fifty feet high; right opposite them, almost at Harry's eye level, was a gigantic blackboard. 

    T 58: 赛场两边分别竖着三个投球的篮圈,有五十英尺高; 在它们右边,几乎就在与哈利视线平行的位置,是一块巨大的黑板,  At either end of the field stood three basket hoops, fifty feet high; to their right hand side, almost at Harry's eye level, was a gigantic blackboard.

    C: [goal omitted;hoops mistranslated;right opposite them seriously mistranslated]

    FC: {Basket hoops are for basketball; LPH used to translate hoops into ‘圆环; righthere does not mean ‘right hand side’, but ‘just, exactly’ which LPH totally misunderstood; them  here means Harry and his lot, LPH wrongly translated it to ‘它们’which means ‘them’ in Chinese, but for anything not human}


    O 97: Troy in the center, slightly ahead of Mullet and Moran, 

    T 64: 特洛伊在中间,稍微前面一点是马莱特和莫兰, Troy in the center, slightly behind Mullet and Moran,

    C: [slightly ahead of Mullet and Moran mistranslated]

    FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


    O 101: ……meanwhile, the pitched battle below was nothing to the one taking place above.

    T 67: 此刻下面这场酣战丝毫不亚于上面进行的比赛。 ……meanwhile, the pitched battle below was nothing second to the one taking place above. 

    C: [was nothing to the one taking place above mistranslated]

    FC: {Exactly opposite in meaning to the original, misleading readers}


    O 103: Bagman shouted, who, like the Irish, 一seemed to be taken aback by the sudden end of the match. 

    T 68: 喜欢爱尔兰的巴格曼喊道,似乎被比赛的突然结束弄得有些茫然, Bagman shouted, who liked the Irish Team, seemed to be taken aback by the sudden end of the match.

    C: [like mistranslated;the Irish mistranslated]

    FC: {Disastrous mistake. The original did not indicate which side Bagman liked, and he should not take side, at least officially, as a high rank Ministry official. He was actually as taken aback as the Irish fans. In fact Rowling hinted something: Bagman found he lost the gamble with the twins, therefore he was taken aback. Losing hint and readers’ involvement}


O 103: Hermione said, leaning forward to watch Krum land as a swarm of mediwizards blasted a path through the battling leprechauns and veela to get to him. 

译著68: 页: 赫敏探身向前,注视着克鲁姆降落到场地上——一大群场内医生用口哨驱赶扭打在一起的小矮妖和媚娃,要他们为克鲁姆闪开一条通道。 Hermione said, leaning forward to watch Krum land; and a swarm of mediwizards blasted a path through the battling leprechauns and veela to get to him.

C: [Hermione said omitted;blasted mistranslated;to get to him mistranslated; as omitted, so that the relation between different parts of the sentence lost] 

FC:  {LPH did not understand the original; Misleading/confusing readers}


Chapter 9


      O 108: ……her nightdress fell down to reveal voluminous drawers 

      T 72: 罗伯茨夫人的睡衣垂落下来,露出一大堆花花哨哨的内裤 ……her nightdress fell down to reveal a great number of drawers 

      C: [Voluminous mistranslated]

      FC {One person wearing a great number of drawers? Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 114: Harry looked around. "I reckon we can just wait here, you know. We'll hear anyone coming a mile off."
      The words were hardly out of his mouth, when Ludo Bagman emerged from behind a tree right ahead of them.
       T75: 赫敏环顾四周。“我想我们不妨就在这里等着,怎么样?我们能听见一英里以外的动静 。”

      Hermione looked around. "I reckon we can just wait here, you know. We'll hear the sound from a mile and beyond."
       The words were hardly out of her mouth, when Ludo Bagman emerged from behind a tree right ahead of them.

      C: [Harry mistranslated;his mistranslated; anyone coming omitted/translated] 

      FC: {Serious mistake. On site commanding was Harry’s strong point, not Hermione’s. Mixing figures characterisation and images. A mystery how it happened}


      O 118: "Our Stunners went right through those trees. . . . There's a good chance we got them. . .

      T 78: “我们的吓人高手一定钻进了这片树丛……我们很有可能抓住他们……” "Our Scaring experts must have gone through those trees. . . . We now have a good chance to catch them. . .”

      C: [Stunners mistranslated; got them mistranslated]

      FC: { Misleading/confusing readers. Words used are odd and naive}


    Chapter 10


       O134: "……and he'd manage it because his servant was going to go back to him. . . and that night Wormtail escaped." 

      译著90: 页'……他能够这样,是因为他的仆人都会回到他身边……就在那天晚上,虫尾巴逃跑了。’ " …… and he'd manage it because all his servants were going to go back to him. . . and that night Wormtail escaped."

      C: [‘都’(all) added by LPH]

      FC:  {Misleading readers}


    Chapter 11


      O 142: But if the Improper Use of Magic lot get their hands on Mad-Eye, he's had it -- think of his record -- we've got to get him off on a minor charge, something in your department -- what are exploding dustbins worth?"

      T 96: 可是如果禁止滥用魔法办公室的人抓住了疯眼汉,他可就倒霉了——想想他的前科纪录——如果罪名不大,又是你们部门负责处理,我们就放他一马吧——让垃圾箱爆炸会受什么惩罚? But if the Improper Use of Magic lot catch Mad-Eye, he's had it -- think of his record – if the charge is not serious, and your department is in charge of that, let’s try to get him off -- what is it worth to let dustbins explode?"

      FC:  {LPH did not understand what the original says. Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 149: Hermione, growing tired of the endless Quidditch talk, buried herself once more in The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 4, and started trying to learn a Summoning Charm.

      T 101:赫敏对他们没完没了地谈论魁地奇感到厌倦了,就又开始埋头阅读《标准咒语,四级》,并试着学习一种飞来咒。

      C: [Summoning Charm , with first letters capital, was a proper noun, LPH translated it as if there were varied summoning charms, and what Hermione was learning was one of them]

      FC:  {It was a charm which would be used later with vital importance, LPH should not translate it so rashly}


    Chapter 12


      O 161: "But they get paid?" she said. "They get holidays, don't they? And - and sick leave, and pensions, and everything?"

      T 110: ‘但是他们拿工钱吗?’她问,‘他们有假期吗?还有——他们有病假,有津贴,有种种的一切吗?’  "But they get paid?" she said. "Do they get holidays? And - and sick leave, and allowance, and everything?"

      C: [don't they? Omitted; Pension mistranslated]

      FC: {Misleading readers } 


      O 163: A dull clunk echoed through the Hall on his every other step.

      T 111: 噔,噔,他每走一步,都有一个空洞的声音在礼堂里回响。  A dull clunk echoed through the Hall on his every step.

      C: [on his every other step mistranslated]

      FC: {Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 164: ……they stopped fairly quickly.

      T 112:便知趣地放下了手。 They put their hands down knowing other people dislike it.

      C: [fairly quickly mistranslated]

      FC:  {Damaging the characterisation and images of Dumbledore and Hagrid}


      O 166: "and the selection of the three champions will take place at Halloween. "

      T 113: ‘挑选勇士的仪式将于万圣节举行。’ "and the selection of the three champions will take place on All Saints’ Day. " 

      C: [Halloween mistranslated]

      FC: {Serious mistranslation, affecting the time line very much, as so many important events happened at Halloween} 


      O 167: ……and it is highly unlikely that students below sixth and seventh year will be able to cope with them.

      T 113-114: 六七年级以下的学生是根本不可能对付得了的。……and it is impossible that students below sixth and seventh year will be able to cope with them.


      C: [highly unlikely mistranslated]

      FC: {In Probability, when P = 0it is impossible; when 0 < P < 0.25,it is highly unlikely; when 0.25 < P < 0.5 it is unlikely. ‘根本不可能’ = impossible, P = 0. Misleading readers}


      O 169: Seamus had pinned his Ireland rosette to his headboard, and Dean had tacked up a poster of Viktor Krum over his bedside table. His old poster of the West Ham football team was pinned right next to it.

      T 115:西莫在他床头柜上方贴了一张威克多尔·克鲁姆的招贴画,原来那张西汉姆足球队的海报紧挨在它旁边。 Seamus had tacked up a poster of Viktor Krum over his bedside table. His old poster of the West Ham football team was pinned right next to it.

      C: [ Seamus had pinned his Ireland rosette to his headboard, omitted;Dean mistranslated] 

      FC:  {Mixing figures, misleading/confusing readers}


    Chapter 13


      O 178: "Oh Professor, look! I think I've got an unaspected planet! Oooh , which one’s that?"

      T 121: ‘哦,教授,快看!我有一颗行星的位置不确切!哎呀,这是什么星,教授?’ "Oh Professor, look! I've got a planet with uncertain position! Oooh, which star is that, Professor?"

      C: [an unaspected planet mistranslated; I think omitted] 

      FC:  {A serious mistranslation to affect the story.Aspected planet’means a planet which has mutual influence with other planets, because of their relative position, therefore it does not have pure energy; while an ‘unaspected planet’is a planet which does not have this kind of influence with other planets, and has its own, pure energy. This is supposed to dominate one’s birth diagram}


      O 178: "Can I have a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" said Ron.
      Most unfortunately, Professor Trelawney heard him, and it was this, perhaps, that made her give them so much homework at the end of the class.

      T 121: ‘可以把天王星也让我看一眼吗,拉文德?’罗恩说。
      FC {In fact, ‘Uranus’ has the same pronunciation as ‘your anus’, so young students sometimes use Uranus as a practical joke, although without too much malice. That was indeed why Professor Trelawney wanted to punish them. Here again, LPH failed to deliver the message from the original to readers, confused and misled them}


    Chapter 14


      T 130:  三年来,自从哈利得知父母是被人杀害的,自从他弄清那天夜里发生的事情:虫尾巴向伏地魔泄漏了他父母的下落,伏地魔在他们的木屋里找到了他们。 For three years, ever since Harry had found out his parents had been murdered, ever since he’d found out what had happened that night: Wormtail had betrayed his parents’ whereabouts to Voldemort, who had come to find them at their cottage.

      C: [This is a totally wrong Chinese sentence, without neither subject nor verb, leaving only three time adverbial adjuncts] 

      FC:  {How could a Literature Publishing House allow such sentences to go published?}


      O 192: "Avada Kedavra's a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it - you could all get your wands out now and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I'd get so much as a nosebleed. But that doesn't matter. I'm not here to teach you how to do it. "

      T 131: ‘阿瓦达索命咒需要很强大的魔法力量作为基础。——你们都可以把魔杖拿出来,对准我,念出这句咒语,我怀疑我最多只会流点鼻血。可是那没有关系。我来就是教你们怎么念咒语的。’ "Avada Kedavra's a curse that needs a powerful bit of magic behind it - you could all get your wands out and point them at me and say the words, and I doubt I'd at most shed some noseblood. But that doesn't matter. I'm here to teach you how to do the curses properly. "

      C: [I doubt I'd get so much as a nosebleed. mistranslated;I'm not here to teach you how to do it. Very seriously mistranslated]

      FC:  {The second mistake is especially serious. Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 192: They were talking about the lesson, Harry thought, as though it had been some sort of spectacular show, but he hadn't found it very entertaining –

      T 131: 哈利心想,听他们谈论这堂课的口气,就好像观看了一场精彩的滑稽表演,而他觉得这并不怎么有趣—— They were talking about the lesson, Harry thought, as though it had been some sort of spectacular comic show, but he hadn't found it very interesting –

      C: [滑稽’(comic) totally wrongly added: no one could feel it as comic for such a somewhat cruel lesson, and the original does not mean anything like that either; entertaining mistranslated]

      FC:  {Harry would certainly feel this lesson interesting, otherwise he would not trust him so much; only he couldn’t feel such a lesson something pleasant}


      O 194: "Some lesson, though, eh?" said Ron to Harry as they set off for the Great Hall.

      T 132: ‘大概是要教训他一顿吧,嗯?’他们朝礼堂走去时,罗恩问哈利,"A punishment as a hard lesson to him, eh?" Ron asked Harry as they set off for the Great Hall.

      C: [Some lesson, though, totally mistranslated. They were no more discussing about Naville, what they were talking about was Moody’s lesson. Ron thought it was a significant lesson. LPH seems still lingering on the meaning of Lesson/Teaching of Moody to Malfoy: but why should he punish Naville now?]

      FC:  { Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 195: It was the sort of thing Professor Lupin would have done.

      T 133: 这种事只有卢平教授才做得出来。 It was the sort of thing only Professor Lupin could achieve.

      C: [The whole sentence mistranslated]

      FC:  {If only Luping could do that, why could Moody do it? LPH conflicting themselves. Actually it is a thing any good teacher who understand his students would do}


      O 196: Harry was reminded of how they had sat together writing something back at the Burrow. He had thought then that it was another order form for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, but it didn't look like that this time;

      T 134: 哈利想起了他们在陋居时坐在一起写东西的情景,于是他想,他们大概又在琢磨魔法把戏的订货单了。可是看看又不像,Harry was reminded of how they had sat together writing something back at the Burrow, and he thought it was another order form for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes, but it didn't look like that;

      C: [He had thought then mistranslated]

      FC:  {In He had thought then the verb is in pluperfect, indicating a movement happened before the time used as past tense. LPH did not understand that. Misleading readers}


    Chapter 15


      O 211: I'm back in the country and well hidden.

      T 145: 我在乡下,隐蔽得很安全。I’m back in the countryside and well hidden.

      C: [I'm back in the country totally mistranslated]

      FC:  {LPH thought the original means he was in a rural area; misleading readers}


      O 211: "She stands out. A snowy owl that keeps returning to wherever he's hiding. . . I mean, they're not native birds, are they?"

      T 145: ‘她太显眼了。一只雪白的猫头鹰一而再,再而三地回到他的藏身之处……我的意思是说,猫头鹰可不是当地普通的鸟,对吧?’  "She stands out. A snow-white owl that keeps returning to wherever he's hiding. . . I mean, owls're not native birds, are they?"

      C: [In the UK there are many owl species]

      FC:  {The original means snowy owls are not native British species. Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 215: "My dear Madame Maxime,"

      T 147: ‘亲爱的马克西姆夫人,’ "My dear Mrs Maxime,"

      C: [ Madame mistranslated]

      FC:  {LPH should leave her and Hagrid a space for love. She should not be married}


      O 215-216: "Will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses drink only single-malt whiskey?"

      T 148: ‘您能否告诉这个海格一声,这些马只喝纯麦芽威士忌?’ "Will you please inform zis 'Agrid zat ze 'orses drink only pure malt whiskey?"

      C: [single-malt whiskey mistranslated]

      FC:  {Misleading readers}


    Chapter 16


      O 221: "Bouillabaisse," said Hermione.
      "Bless you," said Ron.
      "It's French," said Hermione,
      T 152: ‘法式杂鱼汤。’赫敏说。

      FC:  {In the beginning Hermione spoke French, LPH should not translate it into Chinese, otherwise the following complaint of Ron lost ground. Bless you is something spoken when someone else sneezes, here Ron meant that what Hermione said he could not understand. LPH lost the verve of the original and the continuity in text}


      O 228: A thin golden line had been traced on the floor, forming a circle ten feet around it in every direction.

      T 156: 地板上画了一道细细的金线,每边都有十英尺长,把杯子围在中间。 A thin golden line had been traced on the floor, each side ten feet to close it inside.

      C: [circle omitted,in every directionmistranslated]

      FC:  {LPH took a circle as a square; misleading readers}


      O 229-230: …… while hundreds of carved pumpkins leered from every corner.

      T 157: 同时还有几百只南瓜雕成的小人在每个角落里斜眼望着大家。……while hundreds of small human figures carved from pumpkins leered from every corner.

      C: [carved pumpkins mistranslated]

      FC: {LPH wrongly described the British custom for Halloween; misleading readers}


      O 230: "Are you seventeen, then?" asked Harry.

      T 158: ‘那么,你满十七岁了吗?’"Are you seventeen, then?"

      C: [asked Harry omitted]

      FC:  {I usually do not take a vast number of omission such as ‘Harry said’ or ‘Hermione said’ as mistakes, although they should translate those as well. But here they must not omit it, otherwise readers do not know who was the speaker}


    Chapter 17


      O 245: "- zis is a chance many would die for!" "Maybe someone's hoping Potter is going to die for it," said Moody,

      T 168: ‘——这个机会是许多人梦寐以求的!’ ‘也许有人希望哈利为此而送命。’"- zis is a chance many would dream for!" "Maybe someone's hoping Potter is going to die for it,"

      C: [ ‘die for’ is in both sentences of the original, it should be the case for translation]

      FC: {Here Moody just took a part from what Fleur said, using a very good reason to block her from speaking any more. LPH failed to deliver the verve of the original]


      O 249: Harry was able to answer that at once.

      T 171: 哈利无法回答这个问题 Harry was not able to answer this question.

      C: [The whole sentence totally mistranslated]

      FC:  {Ridiculous mistranslation, opposite to the meaning in the original. Misleading/confusing readers}


    Chapter 18


      O 259: "School champion. . . everythin' seems ter happen ter you, doesn' it?"

      T 178: ‘作为学校的勇士……你什么事都可能碰上,是吗?’ "As a school champion. . . you may face everythin', don' you?"

      C: [Whole sentence mistranslated]

      FC:  {Hagrid was worried about everything happening to Harry. Misleading readers}


      O 262: then, at exactly the same time, both acted.

      T 180:然后,说时迟,那时快,几乎就在同时,两人都采取了行动。 then, action is always faster than speaking, both acted almost at exactly the same time.

      C: [at exactly the same time mistranslated; action is always faster than speaking no need to add and LPH used that sentence far too often: there are a lot other expressions in Chinese for the same meaning]

      FC:  {They must act at the exactly same time, otherwise the curses would not cross: almost is senseless; misleading/confusing readers}


      O 269: "I will be delighted to hear the reasoning behind the rudeness, Rita," said Dumbledore,

      T 186: ‘我很愿意听到你坦率的推理,丽塔,’邓步利多说着,"I will be delighted to hear your frank deduction, Rita," said Dumbledore,

      C: [the reasoning behind the rudeness mistranslated]

      FC:  {It was a direct criticism of Rita, LPH did not translate correctly, so it protected Rita, weakened the image and characterisation of Dumbledore }


    Chapter 19


      O 278-279: Harry's feeling of barely controlled panic was with him wherever he went, as ever present as the snide comments about the Daily Prophet article.

      T 193: 哈利不管走到哪里,内心都充满了无法控制的恐慌,这种情绪就像人们对《预言家日报》那篇文章的恶意评论一样,不管到哪儿都跟着他。 Harry's feeling of uncontrollable panic was with him wherever he went, as ever present as the snide comments against the Daily Prophet article.

      C: [barely omitted;about mistranslated]

      FC: {If it had been people’s snide comments ‘against’ the article, that would have meant people were supporting Harry; however it was ‘about’, this meant people were against Harry. Misleading readers}


      O 286: Dragons. 

      T 197: 火龙。 Firedrake.

      C: [Dragons mistranslated]

      FC: {So far I have found the following versions LPH uses to translate dragon: dragon, snake, firedrake, firedrake blood, dinosaur, giant dragon}


      O288: Charlie pointed toward the Horntail's tail, and Harry saw long, bronze-coloured spikes protruding along it every few inches.

      T 199: 查理指了指树蜂的尾巴,哈利看见那尾巴上每隔几英寸就冒出长长的、青铜色的利刺。 Charlie pointed toward the tree-wasp's tail, and Harry saw long, bronze-coloured spikes protruding along it every few inches.

      C: [LPH translated Horntail from its literal meaning to ‘tree-wasp’,which is not suitable]

      FC:  {A tree-wasp is a kind of rather weak and small insect, while the dragon has got horns on its tail, therefore better translated it to Horn-tail Dragon}


      O 288: Maybe if he'd seen the dragons for the first time on Tuesday, he would have passed out cold in front of the whole school. . . but maybe he would anyway. .. .

      T 199: 如果他到了星期二才第一次看见巨龙,没准他会在全校同学面前昏倒…… Maybe if he'd seen the dragons for the first time on Tuesday, he would have passed out cold in front of the whole school. . .

      C: [but maybe he would anyway. .. . omitted]


      O 290: They now read POTTER REALLY STINKS.

      T 200: 徽章上的文字现在变成了波特臭不可闻

      C: [In the original the new text on the badge is formed by adding one word to the previous one: POTTER STINKS turned to be POTTER REALLY STINKS by adding REALLY, and the meaning is one step stronger; the translation needs to keep the previous form as well, but add a new word to make it one step stronger]

      FC:  {Failed to deliver the verve from the original. In fact, the first text POTTER STINKS means the smell, but LPH translated it to POTTER IS DUNG, which resulted in the difficulties to translate POTTER REALLY STINKS}


      O 291: "He did a deal with the Ministry of Magic,"

      T 201: ‘ 他配合魔法部做了不少工作,’ ‘He helped the Ministry of Magic a lot,’

      C: [did a deal with mistranslated]

      FC: {Wrongly prettifying Karkaroff and the Ministry of Magic, misleading readers}


    Chapter 20


      O 303: ……then returned to the empty classroom with Hermione, using the Invisibility Cloak to avoid the teachers.

      T 209: 又和赫敏一起回到那间空教室。为了躲开教师的注意,他还穿上了隐形衣。……then returned to the empty classroom with Hermione, he also put on the Invisibility Cloak to avoid the teachers. 

      C: [using the Invisibility Cloak means both Harry and Hermione used it] 

      FC: {Hermione should also avoid the teachers; confusing readers} 


      O 303: They would have stayed longer, but Peeves turned up and, pretending to think that Harry wanted things thrown at him,

      T 209: 本来他们还可以再待一些时候,可是皮皮鬼出现了。他大概以为哈利想把东西都朝他抛去, They could stayed longer, but Peeves turned up and, he thought Harry would like being thrown things to,

      C: [pretending mistranslated]

      FC: {Weakening the image and characterisation of Peeves: he was doing that deliberately. He always tried his best to make a mess. Another conjunctive mood not recognised}


      O 303: "Just as long as it works tomorrow," Harry said.

      T 210: ‘但愿明天还能成功,’哈利说, ‘I wish it works tomorrow,’ Harry said,

      C: [as long as mistranslated]

      FC: {Very simple English, but LPH still failed to understand. The strange thing is, next time when the the same phrase appeared LPH translated it correctly}


      O 311: "……this is going to shorten the odds on Mr. Potter!"

      T 216: ‘这将会缩小波特先生与其他勇士之间的差距!’"……this is going to shorten the distance between Mr. Potter and the other champions!"

      C: [odds mistranslated]

      FC: {Bagman thought a lot about the gamble with the goblins and he was using gambling terms. Misleading/confusing readers, losing hint/readers’ involvement}


      O 312:: ……his heart lighter than it had been in weeks. . . .

      T 216: ……几个月来,心情第一次这么轻松…… ……his heart lighter than it had been in months. . . .

      C: [weeks mistranslated]

      FC: {Harry’s nerves started from 31st October, ended on 24th November, altogether less than a month. Misleading/confusing readers}


      O 314: Harry could see where the five judges were sitting - right at the other end, in raised seats draped in gold.

      T 217: 哈利可以看见五位裁判坐的地方——就在右边,坐在升高的金色椅子上。 Harry could see where the five judges were sitting – to his right hand, in raised golden seats.

      C: [right at the other end mistranslated/omitted; draped mistranslated]

      FC: {right was translated by LPH to be right hand side : their English understanding is so naive! Although LPH has placed HP as children’s reading, the translation of children’s reading should no way be on ‘children’s level’, I am afraid!}


      O 315: "You're tied in first place, Harry! You and Krum!"

      T 218: ‘你们一上来就打成了平手,哈利!你和克鲁姆!’’You’ve got levelled for the first meeting, Harry! You and Krum!’

      C: [in first place omitted/mistranslated]

      FC: {The most important part of the sentence lost! Misleading readers}


    For Chapters 21-37, see next page.
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