Poems of the Late T'ang
translated by A. C. Graham
This is the volume which Roger Waters of Pink Floyd quoted in
his lyrics for 'Set The Controls For The Heart Of The Sun' and 'Cirrus Minor'.
The above is a scan of my own very old copy of the book (you can tell from
the prices how old it is!) Publication details are:
Poems of the Late T'ang
Translated with an Introduction by A. C. Graham
Penguin Books (Harmondsworth, Middlesex, England; Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.;
Ringwood, Victoria, Australia)
(My copy is the 1970 reprinting)
The contents of the book are:
Preface |
The Translation of Chinese Poetry |
Late Poems of Tu Fu (712-770)
The Autumn Wastes
At the Corner of the World
Stars and Moon on the Yangtse
To My Younger Brother (One of a pair)
Yangtse and Han
Deep in Winter
Autumn Meditation
Meng Chiao (751-814)
Sadness of the Gorges (Third of ten)
An Excursion to the Dragon Pool Temple on Chung-nan
Stopping on a Journey at the East Water Pavilion at Lo-ch'eng
On Mount Ching
Wanderer's Song
Song of the Old Man of the Hills
Wandering on Mount Chung-nan
Complaint of a Neglected Wife
Autumn Thoughts (Two of fifteen)
The Stones where the Haft Rotted
Han Yü (768-824)
Autumn Thoughts (Ninth of eleven)
A Withered Tree
Evening: for Chang Chi and Chou K'uang
From The South Mountains
Lu T'ung (died 835)
The Eclipse of the Moon
Li Ho (791-817)
The Liang Terrace
Magic Strings
A Piece for Magic Strings
On and on for ever
On the Frontier
The Northern Cold
An Arrowhead from the ancient Battlefield of Ch'ang-p'ing
Sing Loud
Bring in the Wine
Autumn Comes
A Dream of Heaven
Up in Heaven
A Bronze Immortal Takes Leave of Han
High Dike
Dawn in Stone City
The King of Ch'in drinks Wine
The Grave of Little Su
From Criticisms
A Girl Combs her Hair
The Watchman's Drum in the Streets of Officials
Don't Go Out of the Door
Musing (First of two)
Tu Mu (803-52)
Easing My Heart
Spring in Chiang-nan
To Judge Han Ch'o at Yang-chou
The Retired Offical Yüan's High Pavilion
The Gate Tower of Ch'i-an City
On The Road
The Pool behind Ch'i-an
Pien River blocked by Ice
At Clear Brook in Ch'ih-chou
Travelling in the Mountains
Farewell Poem (Second of two to a girl of Yang-chou)
In Ch'i-an, on a Chance Theme (First of two)
Shih Ch'ung's 'Golden Valley' Garden
Recalling former Travels (No. 1, No. 2, No. 3)
Climbing to Lo-yu Plateau, before leaving for Wu-hsing
Autumn Evening
Red Slope (Last of three)
Li Shangyin (812?-58)
Untitled Poems (numbered for convenience: i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii,
The Lady in the Moon (i) Ch'ang O
(ii) Frosty Moon
First Month: at Ch'ung-jang House
Day after Day
Night Rains: to my Wife up North
To Tzŭ-chih: among the 'Flowers'
Written on a Monastery Wall
Crooked River
The Walls of Emerald
The Patterned Lute
References |