Mongolian Texts: Log of Updates
Mongolian script does not work properly on all systems or browsers. It may help to download Mongolian White Font.
This section was put up on 2 June 2013. I originally created the pages as a way of coordinating my knowledge of the Traditional Script or Mongol Bichig (Inner Mongolian orthographic version) and Cyrillic Script (Mongolian orthography), and decided to put them on line in the hope that they are of interest to someone. Creating three versions based on this very difficult script is not an easy task; there are probably errors.
List of updates (starting from the bottom):
29 September 2019 (Ulaanbaatar)
4 November 2018 (Ulaanbaatar)
5 November 2017 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Adopted narrow page style like that at the rest of the site.
22 March 2017 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Updated 1-03 with additional information.
20 February 2017 (Ulaanbaatar)
18 February 2017 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Made some corrections to the Cyrillic in two stories.
18-19 January 2017 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Made some corrections to and completed adding Cyrillic to the five stories. Vocabulary still to be done.
13 January 2017(?) (Ulaanbaatar)
- Simplified page header considerably. Now far cleaner than previously.
- Uploaded preliminary versions of five stories.
31 October 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
8 October 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
3 October 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Slight corrections, additions, and layout changes to 3-20 (Амьтан хэрхэн өвөлждөг вэ). Layout changes also at all longer passages, designed to ensure that they can be printed out without losing material.
- Slight corrections at Conversation 6.
29 September 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Added information on words for air purifier and microwave oven at Conversation 6, got rid of unneeded line breaks.
23 September 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
22 September 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Fixed glossing errors at 3-16 and 1-15.
- Minor adjustments at other pages (сэчэн -> цэцэн).
17 September 2016 (Ulaanbaatar)
- Changed compatibility note to indicate that Samsung, at least, supports Mongol Bichig.
7 September 2016 (Beijing)
- Changed Mongolian Cyrillic text slightly at 1-15.
26 August 2016 (Queensland)
- Fixed glossing errors at 1-18.
9-10 May 2016 (Queensland)
- Partially fixed problems with Traditional Mongolian script on Windows and iPhone.
19 March 2016 (Queensland)
18 March 2016 (Queensland)
17 March 2016 (Queensland)
16 March 2016 (Queensland)
16 February 2016 (Queensland)
16 October 2015 (Beijing)
12 October 2015 (Beijing)
9 October 2015 (Beijing)
- Fixed a number of errors in the most recently uploaded page.
5 October 2015 (Beijing)
29 September 2015 (Beijing)
- A few fixes. Slight formatting changes.
25 May 2015 (Beijing)
18 May 2015 (Beijing)
- Fixed a few errors, fixed some words that weren't showing up properly on iPhone, etc.
9 May 2015 (Beijing)
- Added article on People start to get old from 39. This is a rehash of an American story from 2008. Only recently added to the Mongolian-language news in China. Appears to have been plagiarised from here.
5 May 2015 (Beijing)
24 December 2014 (Queensland)
- Started updating Reading 2-22, which had been missed in all the updates. Finished adding IM pronunciation in IPA and linked vocab to notes.
- Updated notes at 1-17, 1-18.
- Made some corrections and changes at 1-03. Fixed formatting at 1-04. Some tinkering at 2-13 and 2-22.
23 December 2014 (Queensland)
21 December 2014 (Queensland)
20 December 2014 (Queensland)
19 December 2014 (Queensland)
18 December 2014 (Queensland)
16 December 2014 (Beijing)
15 December 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Conversation 4 (except for IPA transcription of IM pronunciation).
14 December 2014 (Beijing)
- Finished updating Conversation 3 (except for IPA transcription of IM pronunciation).
13 December 2014 (Beijing)
12 December 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Conversation 6 (except for IPA transcription of IM pronunciation). A lot of errors.
7 December 2014 (Beijing)
- Finished updating Conversation 1 (except for IPA transcription of IM pronunciation).
- Updated Conversation 2 (except for IPA transcription of IM pronunciation).
- A few other changes and additions.
6 December 2014 (Beijing)
- Started updating Conversation 1, adding vocab list and correcting errors in the traditional script version.
- Also fixed some traditional script at other Conversations.
- Slight improvements to Reading 3-21.
2 December 2014 (Beijing)
28 November 2014 (Beijing)
24 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Updated Reading 1-07 with vocab list and corrections to traditional Mongolian text. All the old Readings have now been updated to the new format (tooltips showing IM pronunciation; vocab lists after each passage).
22 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed large number of errors in Reading 3-25.
- A few changes at other readings.
- Slight change to message on use of systems and browsers.
21 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed errors in traditional Mongolian script at Readings 3-22 and 3-24.
- Changed message on use of systems and browsers, etc.
- Fixed errors and omissions at a few other readings.
20 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Made some formatting changes at most lessons (relating to vocab list numbering, etc).
- Added notes from the original passage to Reading 3-21.
19 November 2014 (Beijing)
18 November 2014 (Beijing)
17 November 2014 (Beijing)
10 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Completed update to Reading 2-01.
- Continued fixing problem whereby ай etc. in the traditional script are not rendering properly.
- Updated the Home Page to state that tooltips now show Inner Mongolian pronunciation in IPA.
9 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Initial update to Reading 2-01.
- Made a few changes after discovering that iPhone is not rendering ай in the traditional script correctly, especially at байна. Corrected a couple of errors.
8 November 2014 (Beijing)
5 November 2014 (Beijing)
4 November 2014 (Beijing)
3 November 2014 (Beijing)
- Initial update to Reading 2-06 (vocab, pronunciation tooltips).
30 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Added IM pronunciation tooltips at Reading 2-07; fixed notes and traditional text.
29 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Added vocab and IM pronunciation tooltips at Reading 2-10 and fixed errors in the traditional text.
- Added vocab at Reading 2-07.
27 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight fixes to Reading 2-15.
26 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Continued fixing errors in traditional passages, mainly Readings 1-15~1-19; 2-11, 2-13.
25 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed a few errors, slight tweaks to code.
24 October 2014 (Beijing)
21 October 2014 (Beijing)
19 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed various errors in the traditional text at Readings 1-04, 1-05, 1-06, 1-07, 1-08, and 1-09. Most of these errors are not visible from the printed page (although some are), but they are there and will be picked up by search engines, etc.
18 October 2014 (Beijing)
17 October 2014 (Beijing)
16 October 2014 (Beijing)
- Added vocab and IM pronunciation to Reading 2-13, corrected text (traditional spelling).
- At Reading 2-15, corrected text (traditional spelling), and converted tooltips from Cyrillic rendering to IM pronunciation.
- A few other corrections.
4 October 2014 (Beijing)
25 September 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed linking error at the index page (some readings were not linked to properly).
21 September 2014 (Beijing)
20 September 2014 (Beijing)
19 September 2014 (Beijing)
- Added vocab and IM pronunciation to Conversation 7. Made fixes to a couple of other Readings.
14 September 2014 (Beijing)
12 September 2014 (Beijing)
9 September 2014 (Beijing)
- Slight tweaking and corrections to several lessons.
8 September 2014 (Beijing)
7 September 2014 (Beijing)
6 September 2014 (Beijing)
4 September 2014 (Beijing)
31 August 2014 (Beijing)
28 Аugust 2014 (Beijing)
12 July 2014 (Beijing)
2 July 2014 (Beijing)
29 June 2014 (Beijing)
26 June 2014 (Beijing)
24 June 2014 (Beijing)
22 June 2014 (Beijing)
18 June 2014 (Beijing)
- Started updating Reading 1-03 by adding vocab and notes. Corrected a couple of errors in the text.
17 June 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed some IE issues, fixed a few errors, etc.
15 June 2014 (Beijing)
- From March till June I've been (1) adding vocabulary lists to the readings, and (2) converting the tooltips from Cyrillic transliterations to the Inner Mongolian (IM) pronunciation in IPA. These new-style pages were targeted at Chinese speakers and were placed separately from older lessons. As of today, I'm putting all lessons and conversations in a single new location. New readings, all in the new format, have been put up for 3-07, 3-17, 3-20, 3-21, 3-22, 3-24, and 3-25. However, many older lessons are still in the old format. Almost all pages now have the option of switching between English and Chinese, although Chinese has yet to be added at some pages.
9 March 2014 (Beijing)
- Fixed error at Reading 1-03.
- Changed 'Mongolian Reading Lessons' to 'Mongolian Reading' (in headings).
8 March 2014 (Beijing)
5 March 2014 (Beijing)
4 March 2014 (Beijing)
3 March 2014 (Beijing)
2 March 2014 (Beijing)
28 February 2014 (Beijing)
23 February 2014 (Beijing)
3 January 2014 (Queensland)
- Further corrections to Cyrillic at Mongolian readings and conversations.
2 January 2014 (Queensland)
1 January 2014 (Queensland)
12 December 2013 (Beijing)
7 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Made a number of corrections and added a few additional notes at several readings, notably Reading 1-18.
6 December 2013 (Beijing)
5 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Conversation 5 (Good News, Bad News).
- Split Mongolian traditional rendering of conversations 1-4 into two sections as the pages weren't coming up well in Firefox.
- Gave the conversations titles.
4 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Split Traditional Mongolian Script "Contents" into three as the original format was broken when viewed in Firefox.
3 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Finished splitting tooltips up by sentence. Changed quite a few of the Cyrillic transliterations (in the tooltips). Where ᠣ (о) occurs in later syllables of a word, there are two different treatments: keep it as ᠣ (о); shift it toᠣ (у). Different sources adopt different treatments. I've decided to adopt the shifted version as standard.
- Various other changes, corrections, and rectification of omissions.
2 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Added direct Cyrillic transliteration to Reading 2-22 and Reading 1-15 and corrected a couple of errors.
- Decided to put tooltips on each sentence instead of each paragraph; conversion currently in progress. Fixed some errors in transliteration, and also rectified the omission of half a sentence in the tooltip at Reading 1-10.
1 December 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Reading 2-22 and Reading 1-15. Neither is yet complete as they lack a tooltip showing direct transcription into Cyrillic.
- Added a note to Reading 1-09 and made slight changes to a few other notes.
- Enlarged the titles of all reading passages.
- Added coloured backgrounds to passages.
- Fixed a few errors.
28 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Retrofitted for iPhone. (It will probably present ok in Android, too, but the Traditional Mongolian script probably doesn't work.) This was a fitful process taking place over several days. The most important part was uploaded on 28 November.
24 November 2013 (Beijing)
23 November 2013 (Beijing)
21 November 2013 (Beijing)
17 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Tentatively added Reading 1-11.
- Reinstated a very brief note on downloading Mongolfont and browser performance.
12 November 2013 (Beijing)
- I've removed the old call to download fonts. The guide to browser performance has also been removed following use of a web font.
10 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Some rewriting of the Updates page (this page).
- Expanded the guide to browser performance and added it to the Index page.
- Added Traditional Mongolian script to the Index page. Rewrote parts of the Index page (for errors and to update for changes in site organisation).
- Mongolian traditional font, which previously needed to be downloaded, has been put in place as a web font. It is now visible in iPhone. It is also visible on other platforms without the need to download. However, there are bugs, depending on your browser and system.
9 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Fixed errors at Reading 2-13.
6 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Added extra note to Reading 1-19.
5 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Reading 1-19, previously skipped.
- Went back and fixed all examples of ᠳᠦ written as ᠲᠣ, made before I knew how to differentiate them in the input method.
4 November 2013 (Beijing)
2 November 2013 (Beijing)
- Remake, redo! While the earlier effort to put Mongol Bichig in tooltips was a failure, there are still good reasons to keep the direct Cyrillic transliteration of Mongol Bichig out of sight. From now on, only two versions (Traditional Mongolian and Cyrillic orthographies) will be visible on the page. The direct Cyrillic transliteration will be a tooltip that can be accessed by passing a cursor over the Mongol Bichig version. Cleaner, and more useful.
- Readings taken from the first children's textbook have been renumbered to Reading 1-03, Reading 1-04, etc. (previously just Reading 3, Reading 4, etc.).
31 October 2013 (Beijing)
27 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Conversation 4 (tentative).
- Abandoned the effort to create two separate pages for Mongolian Traditional Script (Mongol Bichig) and Cyrillic. The problem is that Traditional Mongolian script refuses to work properly in tooltips, with erratic behaviour depending on the browser. As a result, the Traditional Mongolian tooltips in the Cyrillic pages were not functioning properly. The site has been reverted to the original single-page format, with each page featuring three versions: 1. Traditional Mongolian orthography, 2. Direct transliteration in Cyrillic letters [this has now changed] and 3. Cyrillic orthography.
20 October 2013 (Beijing)
- Added Readings 2-10 and 2-11.
- Corrected Conversations 1, 2, and 3. Uploaded Cyrillic versions of the conversations.
19 October 2013 (Beijing)
- A few corrections and fixes.
18 October 2013 (Beijing)
Uploaded a separate Cyrillic page for all readings (Traditional as tooltips).
13 October 2013 (Beijing)
Reformatted the site to show only the Traditional orthography. Cyrillic script and the direct Cyrillic transcriptions are accessible as tooltips.
- Corrected some errors.
26 September 2013 (Beijing)
23 September 2013 (Beijing)
22 September 2013 (Beijing)
16 September 2013 (Beijing)
13 September 2013 (Beijing)
1 September 2013 (Beijing)
31 August 2013 (Beijing)
26 June 2013 (Beijing)
- Corrected a number of errors at Reading 1-03.
- Added notes at Reading 1-03.
- Fixed isolated forms in spelling out syllables at Reading 1-04. This reflects advances in my understanding of how to input the Mongolian Traditional script.
- Tried to standardise the handling of suffixes in Cyrillic transliteration. There are possibly still inconsistencies.
- Fixed a few errors at other lessons (e.g. Reading 1-18).
12 June 2013 (Beijing)
11 June 2013 (Beijing)
7 June 2013
- "Lessons" all retroactively renamed as "Readings".
6 June 2013 (Beijing)
3 June 2013 (Beijing)
2 June 2013 (Beijing)